[MERGE REQUEST] merge work

Erik Bågfors zindar at gmail.com
Wed Aug 17 12:11:11 BST 2005

> I think the next thing to do is better tracking of merged-in revisions.
> The steps would seem to be:
>  - when merging, make sure the destination branch includes the revision
>    and inventory objects for everything merged in (and everything
>    indirectly merged)
>  - add the tip of the merged branch to pending-merges
> What do you think?
> Ideally then
>  - bzr status should show a brief representation of the pending merges
>  - bzr log should show them indented
>  - bzr merge can use them to find a good basis

Oh, this would be so great!

What about pulling after merging.  What I mean is this

Say that we have two branches, they both have commits A and B, then
both users have two more commits, C1, D1 and C2, D2.  Now the first
branch merges from the second and will now have

A, B, C1, D1, C2D2Merge

In the second branch the user can now do a merge as well and get

A, B, C2, D2, C1D1Merge

At this point, the two branches are the same and I think you should be
able to do "bzr pull" from the other branch for any future updates
(until we need to do a merge again that is).

I know this means that the two branches will not share the same
history but they are branches and as such should not have the same
history in my mind.


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