Discussed changes

Gustavo Niemeyer gustavo at niemeyer.net
Tue Aug 16 19:17:32 BST 2005

Martin, I've performed the small changes in bzr we've discussed
about, and have put it online at:


More specifically, the changes are:

1) Moved plugins directory to bzrlib/, so that there's a standard
   plugin directory which is not only installed with bzr itself
   but is also available when using bzr from the development tree.
   BZR_PLUGIN_PATH and DEFAULT_PLUGIN_PATH are then added to the
   standard plugins directory.

2) Moved the needed third-party tools to an internal directory under
   bzrlib/util.  This makes sure that needed tools are available in
   the bzr installation, including the correct/expected version, and
   eases the process of packaging and redistribution of bzr
   ('setup.py bdist*' creates a working distribution).

3) Fixed setup.py including the needed package entries.

I hope you find them useful.

Kind regards,

Gustavo Niemeyer

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