A probably bug tracking permissions while branching

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Tue Aug 16 05:02:03 BST 2005

Otavio Salvador wrote:

>Today I was going to branch a driver to hack and add support to my
>webcam on it and found a little but serious issue, IMHO. It didn't
>preserve my permissions while branching.
bzr does not currently track permissions.
There have been several proposals for how to handle it. At least one
which has been implemented, but so far it hasn't been the highest
priority item.

>First, I imported the upstream branch of it. So I called:
> $: bzr branch upstream my-feature
>It worked. Once I started to work on it I notice the problem with one
>build script, previously set to allow anyone to run it and now without
>that permisson.
You basically have to set the permissions manually, and then it will

Here was one of the proposals mentioned a while ago (back in June):

If I remember correctly, I had actually implemented having a <meta> tag
in Inventories, but I don't think it went anywhere.

>If someone are interested to look into it, my repository can be found
>PS.: CC me since I'm not subscribed to the list

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