
Martin Pool mbp at sourcefrog.net
Wed Jul 27 14:15:34 BST 2005

The user experience for creating ~/.bzr.conf/email is a bit ugly and
hard to get right.

We use the directory because it was previously suggested that people
dislike programs that create a lot of files in their home directory --
it's considered better to just make one directory and put everything in
there.  That's a fair point but it does make it a little harder.

The directory is not called .bzr because we don't want to confuse it
with a control directory: people might want $HOME to be version
controlled and even to put their bzr configuration in version control.

Subversion uses ~/.subversion/ (by contrast to .svn for version
control).  This directory seems to be automatically created containing a
readme and some skeleton files.  Maybe that's a good idea.

Perhaps we should follow that pattern and call it ~/.bazaar?

We could also prompt for an email address when first run if it's not

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