[PATCH] fixes for log -v

Lalo Martins lalo at exoweb.net
Sat Jul 16 17:31:29 BST 2005

And so says John A Meinel on 16/07/05 21:40...
> Lalo Martins wrote:
>>And so says John A Meinel on 16/07/05 00:26...
>>>Is that actually the point? For me, the point was just so that you can
>>>merge a root id into another tree at some non-root location.
>>Which will cause the new revision to have a different root-id than one
>>of its ancestors, no?  ;-)
> Actually, no. The current tree gets a subdirectory with the same id as
> the old tree's root.

You miss my point.  In your example (quoted below for those tuning in
the thread now), and if I understand the merge code correctly, the
latest revision of the old "lib" project will now be listed as an
ancestor of the new "main" revision.  The new revision of "main" will
have ancestors from both "lib" and "main", therefore, it is
mathematically necessary that it's root-id is different than *one* of
them... right?

> Here, before merge, 2 branches:
> $lib/
> 	.bzr/ # Root-id = lib-1111
> 	file1.c # parent-id = lib-1111, file-id = file1c-1111
> $main/
> 	.bzr/ # root-id = main-2222
> 	file2.c # parent-id = main-2222, file-id = file2c-2222
> After merge
> $main/
> 	.bzr/ # root-id = main-2222
> 	file2.c # parent-id = main-2222, file-id = file2c-2222
> 	$lib/ # file-id = lib-1111, parent-id = main-2222
> 		file1.c # parent-id = lib-1111, file-id = file1c-1111
> All that changed is that you added a directory into main. You loose the
> .bzr directory in $lib/, which means that no root ids change.

                                               Lalo Martins
      So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
       then they seem improbable, and then, when we
       summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
http://www.exoweb.net/                  mailto:lalo at exoweb.net
GNU: never give up freedom                 http://www.gnu.org/

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