Why -p0 format patches?

Michael Ellerman michael at ellerman.id.au
Mon Jul 11 08:48:47 BST 2005


Just a query, what was the reasoning behind "bzr diff" producing -p0 patches 
rather than -p1 patches? Because CVS/svn/.. do it?

It's a bit of a pain for me, being used to -p1 format. And I notice now that 
changesets look like:

--- BASEbzrlib/commands.py 
+++ TARGETbzrlib/commands.py

Which is kind of a hack, and would look nicer as:

--- BASE/bzrlib/commands.py 
+++ TARGET/bzrlib/commands.py

Just a thought. I guess it's too late now anyway.


Michael Ellerman
IBM OzLabs

email: michael:ellerman.id.au
inmsg: mpe:jabber.org
wwweb: http://michael.ellerman.id.au
phone: +61 2 6212 1183 (tie line 70 21183)

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