pure python 3-way merge

John A Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Tue Jul 5 17:50:56 BST 2005

John A Meinel wrote:

> Martin Pool wrote:
>> My bzr tree now has some code in bzrlib.merge3 to do a 3-way text
>> merge in pure Python.  I think(?) this might remove the main external
>> dependency, aside from patch for importing changesets, which I hope we
>> can also fix.  I think it works.  Comments or bug reports are welcome.
> BUG!! In python2.3 merge3.py currently does not write out lines if MINE
> has a tail.


> I went ahead and created a patch, which tests for proper 'append'
> functionality, and it turns out that Merge3.merge_lines() does the right
> thing. It seems to be a problem with Merge3.merge_annotated()

Let me attach this patch that I speak of.


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