[BUG] patch.py not portable to windows

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Sun Jul 3 18:14:55 BST 2005

Aaron Bentley wrote:

> > (patch may not exist on windows, but I'm not worrying about
> > that case yet).
> > This is one of the motivations to move to using subprocess since it
> > really cleans up process spawning.
> It's unfortunate that we can't just bundle subprocess as we do
> ElementTree, but the need to compile a C module on Windows kills that.

note that you only need the C extension for Python 2.3 on Windows,
and only if you don't have the win32all extensions.

(I'd say it's harder to find and install a good "patch" for windows than
it is to find _subprocess or win32all...)


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