[PLUGIN] bzr changeset, time to pull again

Aaron Bentley aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca
Sun Jul 3 03:32:04 BST 2005

Hash: SHA1

John A Meinel wrote:
| If you pull again (revno=65) you will find that I am now able to
| validate the Inventory XML as well as the Revision XML.


| So the current code is indeed able to build up a set of differences,
| pipe them out as a changeset, read it back in, and have all of the sha1
| hashes match. Pretty cool. You have to have BASE, but that was a design
| requirement anyway.
|>   4. I think the data stored in ChangesetTree should be merged with the
|>      information in ChangesetInfo. Specifically, right now none of the
|>      merge objects keep track of any history information.

I'm not sure what you mean here.  I don't think ChangesetTree needs to
support much more than it already has.  Maybe we need a type attribute
for files, though a present 'file' with no contents is pretty obviously
a directory.

| This sort of thing still needs to be done. I think it can clean up the
| code. But first, ChangesetTree should probably inherit from Tree, so
| that it has an inventory property.

I agree it needs to have an inventory.  I was leaning toward having
ChangesetTree support both the Tree and Inventory protocols, and have
ChangesetTree.inv just return self.

| As I mentioned, this portion is done, and I have proved to myself that
| it actually works.
| It doesn't create any entries in any stores. I don't know whether it is
| better to create a temporary directory, and put a pretend branch in
| there. Create all of the actual entries, and then have the merge code do
| a merge against the temp dir. For now, I've been trying to work in
| memory, so as to not write things to the filesystem.

I don't think we need a branch in order to install revisions.  The
protocol is pretty simple: install the text for each file, install the
inventory XML. install the revision XML.


- --
Aaron Bentley
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