[PLUGIN] rpush/rpull now integrate with pull

John A Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Sun Jun 26 17:09:51 BST 2005

Aaron Bentley wrote:

>On Sat, Jun 25, 2005 at 09:06:24PM -0500, John A Meinel wrote:
>>Also, I check now to make sure that the local working directory is clean
>>before letting you do anything. (thanks Aaron for your bzr-push/bzr-pull
>>'.bzr/x-rsync-revision' to '.bzr/x-rsync-data'. I didn't want to use
>>'.bzr/x-pull-data' which Abentley uses, because I wanted to have both
>>the revision number and the revision id in the case that the remote
>>branch is not accessible, being able to track that the local tree has in
>>fact increased it's revision number is a fallback safety measure.
>The revno doesn't tell you what you need to know.  If it is different,
>you know for sure that there's been a local change.  But if it's the
>same, you don't know that there *hasn't* been a local change.  Always
>store revision id's.  They're more reliable.
I'm actually storing both. I understand the idea. I just wanted
something that I could check and say "is this > < what I thought it
would be".
Your x-pull-data/x-push-data only stored one.


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