[PLUGIN] rsync-push rsync-pull

Aaron Bentley aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca
Wed Jun 22 19:28:41 BST 2005

Hash: SHA1

John Meinel wrote:
> I also thing the script needs a few more bits of detection.
> Specifically, it should check to see if the working tree has any
> uncommitted changes before allowing you to do a push or pull.

You can snarf that from my scripts, if you like.

> If I get the time, I will try and look closer at your bzr-push script,
> and try and resolve any differences. For now, I made it work for my
> needs. Which means I can actually use bzr for development (at least of
> bzr plugins :) because I can store them centrally and develop on the 3+
> machines I happen to work on.

Yes, that's how I develop bzrtools.  But I don't mind the overhead of
the native pull, because it's only retrieving a few revisions.

> Another small benefit to bzr rsync-pull is that it will also take into
> account a .bzrignore or .rsyncignore file. It does not delete excluded
> files, so it won't remove all of your ".pyc" files each time you try to
> do a sync.

Well, that's a nice property.  I thought it simply ignored all
unversioned files, neither creating nor deleting them.

> Also, bzr rsync-pull is designed to check and see if the revno changes,
> and if it does, it will print out the logs of the new revisions. It only
> does it when the --verbose flag is set, but I default it so that it is
> always set.

Yeah, I've been thinking that would be nice to have in bzr pull.  Maybe
a small wrapper is more suitable, but it would be nice eye-candy to
print it while the pull was in progress.

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