[PLUGIN] changeset serialization

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Mon Jun 20 07:05:00 BST 2005

Well, I went ahead and worked on a fancier single-file changeset format.

I haven't bothered with writing out a Changeset object, I just do a
normal "compare_trees" and then wrap it with some meta information.

The basic summary of the format is that it has a header and a footer
portion, and in-between is the output of "bzr diff".

The header contains basic stuff that people would probably want to read,
while the footer contains the extra meta information that people don't
want to read (like the specific file ids, etc).

It doesn't seem to work perfectly, it seems to have trouble with stuff
like "regen_inventory" not handling "." properly, etc.

But the basic process of creating a decent representation with extra
meta information, and the process of reading it back in to create a


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