Python plugins, third round

Martin Pool mbp at
Thu Jun 16 06:27:10 BST 2005

On 15 Jun 2005, John A Meinel <john at> wrote:

> When you are saying packages, do you mean:
> mypackage/ ?
> That is much easier to do (and more reasonable) than doing the single
> directory recursion. Since python imports that as "mypackage".
> So it is pretty easy to alter my code to support everything of the form:
> ~/.bzr/plugins/
>    plugin.pyc
>    plugin.pyo
>    plugin.pyd
>    plugin.dll
>    plugin.dylib
>    plugin/
> All of those would be loaded from:
>    sys.path.append(os.path.expanduser('~/.bzr/plugins'))
>    import plugin

I assume here you're using 'plugin' as a variable; not requiring it to
be called plugin.  You probably want imp.get_suffixes() not a
hardcoded list.

I'm kind of surprised there isn't a standard module to do this...

> The way the current code works is that "builtin" is actually a command,
> not an option. So you have:
> bzr builtin commit --something

I think this one is good; it's similar to the shell and some other
languages and adheres to the pattern that options can be moved around but
arguments/commands cannot.

> You could also require "--builtin" to be the first option. So it would
> always be
> bzr --builtin commit --something.

I'd also like --no-plugins, which would disable them altogether, and
sometimes be a better choice than 'bzr builtin'.


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