Two little things (Mainly win32 related)

Martin Pool mbp at
Wed Jun 15 05:10:59 BST 2005

On  7 Jun 2005, Roncaglia Julien <bazaar-ng at> wrote:
> First a small path attached who do a simple glob replacing in win32
> (*.py or *.cpp *.h are easier than adding everything by hand)

I added the patch -- the simple version which doesn't check against
ignore lists.

I think it's better to be consistent with Unix: if a glob matches an
ignored file, the file is added.

Glob expansion should probably be done for most other commands that
take a list of filenames (remove, diff, stat, ...)

As other people said, 'bzr add .' will normally do the right thing.

> Secondly it seems than the "quotefn" function (from osutils) that is
> called to display the name of files added with the add command escape
> the space character...
> -------------------------------------------------------
> F:\testbzrglob>bzr add "Copy of machinchose.cpp"
> added Copy\ of\ machinchose.cpp
> -------------------------------------------------------

Maybe it should use double-quotes?...


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