twisted much?

Robert Collins robertc at
Wed Jun 15 03:53:21 BST 2005

On Wed, 2005-06-08 at 13:32 +1000, Martin Pool wrote:
> (Maybe some of the Canonical people have an opinion on this.)
> To get really good HTTP download performance it seems that we need to
> do parallel/overlapped downloads.
> Another way is to do hand-carved select() or thread based clients.
> While I would normally hesitate to introduce threads into a program
> that doesn't strongly need them I think it might be OK here, if
> they're contained behind an API firewall.

Please don't hand carve an http client. You'll be lucky to get 0.9
conformance with any reasonable amount of work, and if you want
something that works correctly with 1.1, well, I'll see you next year.

Also note that http/1.1 prohibits more than 2 concurrent connections to
a single hostname:port combination, and that is only allowed so that you
can use one connection for interactive (small) requests and one to
pipeline the bulk of the data through.

Rob (Wearing his http nazi hat)

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