twisted much?

Magnus Therning magnus at
Wed Jun 8 07:58:40 BST 2005

On Wed, Jun 08, 2005 at 01:32:24PM +1000, Martin Pool wrote:
>(Maybe some of the Canonical people have an opinion on this.)
>To get really good HTTP download performance it seems that we need to
>do parallel/overlapped downloads.
>One way to do that would be to use Twisted Python's http client
>library.  Some people like it very much and some strongly dislike it.
>It would introduce a sizeable dependency.
>Another way is to do hand-carved select() or thread based clients.
>While I would normally hesitate to introduce threads into a program
>that doesn't strongly need them I think it might be OK here, if they're
>contained behind an API firewall.

There are a few other packages that provide asynchronous communication
besides Twisted:
 asyncore (part of the Python distro)


Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus at

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