plans for 0.0.6 release

John A Meinel john at
Wed Jun 1 15:13:13 BST 2005

Martin Pool wrote:

>First off I'd like to thank everyone who's sent patches recently; the
>flood coming in is really remarkable.   I'm trying to keep working
>through the backlog while still working through my own todo list.   If
>there is anything important that seems to have been dropped feel free to
>retransmit it.
>A lot has changed since the last tarball release so I would like to put
>out an 0.0.6 release in a couple of days with more or less the current
>feature set and any outstanding bugs fixed, and then move on to
>integrating and writing more features.  If there is anything you feel
>ought to be in for that, then speak up now.  I'm going to put in the
>merge patches and fix the read-only locking bugs.
I just remembered another really small patch, which allows short options
to attach to their arguments. So that:

baz diff -r20

Can work instead of just
baz diff -r 20

It also allows short options to stack, so you could do:
baz log -vr20

This is mostly just to make it consistent with most short-options
commands. (optparse lets you do that sort of thing, as does getopt and


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