Announce: bzrtools-44

John Arbash Meinel john at
Thu May 26 15:49:50 BST 2005

Aaron Bentley wrote:

> John A Meinel wrote:
> | baz2bzr has a problem when /tmp is not on the same filesystem as the
> | current working directory. So on line 235 just change os.rename(revdir,
> | output_dir) to shutil.move(revdir, outputdir)
> I agree this needs fixing.  I think it makes more sense to force the
> tempdir to be on the same filesystem, since that's where it will
> ultimately be stored.  For instance, you'll get "Not enough disk space"
> errors IFF there isn't enough space to store the converted tree (and the
> Arch cruft) on the target filesystem.

That would be okay, but I think in the short term shutil.move() makes
sense since you are already using a /tmp file.

> | Also, it has difficulties if you don't have the complete ancestry of the
> | branch registered. I'm thinking to catch the exception, and then
> | continuing. Is that a reasonable thing to do, or do you want baz2bzr to
> | only include complete histories?
> Right now, I'm trying to convert the Arch branch as faithfully as
> possible.  I think it would be misleading for there to be a different
> number of revisions in the bzr branch.  I would be okay with an optional
> start-from-here parameter-- would that suit you?

Well, what about trying to import tla-mainline. Which goes back about 20
branches across 5-10 different archives. I think few people are going to
have all archives registered. I don't even know if all of them exist.
My fix basically just had it start, and until it got 1 successful
import, it just kept trying.
You could make that happen manually with a start-from-here if you wanted.

> Aaron


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