branch now ?
William Dodé
wilk-ml at
Tue May 24 11:24:35 BST 2005
On 23-05-2005, David Allouche wrote:
> --=-igsZLcEFhV3LgTeoxbzR
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> On Mon, 2005-05-23 at 11:47 +0000, William Dod=C3=A9 wrote:
>> I've some project of libraries that i need to maintain
>> in differents versions. Each versions come from the
>> same trunk but live alone (only bug patch for the old
>> ones).
>> r1
>> r2
>> r3-v0.1-patch from r5...
>> r4
>> r5
>> r6-v0.2
>> Is it safe to do *now* a copy by hand from r3 (with
>> .bzr and my tree) to create my 0.1 branch ?
>> After i can cherry-pick the bug-patchs from trunk by
>> hand without problem.
> Yes. Copying trees is, by design, a legal way to branch.
>> My question is to know if i should wait for `bzr
>> branch` to do this or if it'll be anyway the same as a
>> copy ? I will not have a problem of id-of-branch ?
> AIUI, "bzr branch" will be a facility for branching trees in place. It
> would make it possible to use a single tree as the head for several
> branches and would be tied to a "bzr switch" command to switch the
> current revision and versioned files between named branches.
> Essentially, that would be just a UI feature and a storage optimisation.
Thanks, sometimes it's so simple that it's difficult to
believe ;-)
William Dodé -
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