[bzrweb PATCH] render reStructuredText

Lalo Martins lalo at laranja.org
Sat May 21 11:43:03 BST 2005

- This patch adds a new bzrweb command, "gethtml", which is like "get" 
but will try to pipe things trough reStructuredText.  Turns out rst is a 
popular format for python hackers to write stuff, and it's pretty cheap 
to parse; this makes bzrweb much more useful in these cases ;-)

- If you have foo.txt on your tree, this patch adds a [html] link next 
to it, leading to the gethtml command.

- The gethtml command has a special exception for files ending in 
'.css'.  This is a dirty hack, granted, but you can exploit it by 
putting a file named 'bzrweb-rst.css' in the same directory as your rst 
stuff, which will be linked from the docutils-generated html.  If you 
have docs all over the place and don't like the idea of having one css 
file in each dir, all with the same content, then learn about @include ;-)

You can see it in action at 
http://bazaar.laranja.org/index.py/log/yi-meiyou/head (the "FAQ" link on 
the top goes to a document rendered via gethtml, and you'll see the 
[html] links by clicking "view export", then "docs").

I'm uncertain if there should be a [html] link on txt files in the log too.

                                                Lalo Martins
   It doesn't bother me that people say things like
    "you'll never get anywhere with this attitude".
    In a few decades, it will make a good paragraph
       in my biography. You know, for a laugh.
http://www.laranja.org/                mailto:lalo at laranja.org
          pgp key: http://www.laranja.org/pessoal/pgp
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