[Extension] Dirty hack of 'shelve' and 'unshelve' command

Erik Bågfors zindar at gmail.com
Thu May 19 15:12:29 BST 2005

> | That sounds interesting; this is like tla's undo/redo commands, except
> | that they don't let you choose hunks (and are prone to break when you
> | need them most.)
> I'm definitely a fan of this approach, in fact I have other code that
> implements selected-hunk-undo for Arch in my Fai tool.  (But it's
> heavily Arch-based, so it probably wouldn't have been a useful starting
> point.)

I think this is very useful. But I'd love to also see a "bzr commit
--interactive" or something like that, that would let the user select
the hunks he likes to commit.

Actually, a wrapper around shelve/unshelve would do it. So, it could
be done with an extension (here called partialcommit). But I'd prefer
to have this natively in bzr.

bzr partialcommit -m 'message' could run

bzr shelve
bzr commit -m message
bzr unshelve


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