thoughts on a bzrrc file

Benno benjl at
Thu May 19 14:10:38 BST 2005

On Thu May 19, 2005 at 17:36:13 +1000, Martin Pool wrote:
>On 19 May 2005, Benno <benjl at> wrote:
>> How about the option of having a ~/ file for those that want
>> to script settings. I think my previous example had setting a different
>> email based on the project. E.g:
>> if (project_is_about_work):
>>   email = me at work
>> else: 
>>   email = me at home
>That would also be OK, but I wouldn't want to force it on people who
>don't know Python.

Right, so my idea was use ~/ if the user has that, and then 
you can give the full power (to shoot themselves in the foot ;) to those
that want it and use the configparser idea for ~/.bzrrc.


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