[announce] bzrweb seems a bit finished

Harri Salokorpi hsalokor at ee.oulu.fi
Thu May 19 10:08:17 BST 2005

On Wednesday 18 May 2005 17:18, you wrote:
> I just went there today, and there was a [diff] link. It just was
> plaintext, not colored nicely.

Yes, I believe Chris uses patched bzrlib (he posted a patch on the list some 
time ago).

> Some of it had to wait for bzrlib to support a diff for an arbitrary
> revision, not just between past and current.

Yeah, this is what I was talking about. All patches add end revision parameter 
to bzrlib's show_diff(), which allows either bzrweb of command line client to 
get diff between revisions.


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