thoughts on a bzrrc file

Magnus Therning magnus at
Thu May 19 08:38:40 BST 2005

On Thu, May 19, 2005 at 05:12:46PM +1000, Martin Pool wrote:
>On Windows it might make sense to use the registry as well/instead.

I would avoid using the registry mostly for religious reasons ;-)

If you do, then you create a need for a configuration program (possibly
built into bzr). regedit isn't a very nice configuration program.

>One option is to just make it a Python file, but that may cause
>confusion to people unaccustomed to Python who make syntax errors.

What would the purpose be of using a Python file? More complex
configurations? (E.g. if in projectA: diff=difflib else: diff=diff ?)

Is it worth the extra hurdle for non-Pythonites?
Would it take bzr in the direction of monotone's use of Lua?

>Another, and probably the best, is to use ConfigParser_ to read a
>.ini-style format, as used by Windows and Samba.  This style of file
>is also used by svn and more recently by baz.
># my bzr config file
>diff_program = diff -uw %s %s
>email = Martin Pool <mbp at>
>editor = emacsclient %s

ConfigParser does support the [...] thingie, right?
That means that external commands thrown into the BZRPATH can use the
same config file and still it'll be easy to see what belongs to real bzr
and what's part of "other commands".


Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus at

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