[PATCH] Allow short options to stack, and take attached arguments

John A Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Tue May 10 20:23:17 BST 2005

John A Meinel wrote:
> It would be nice if the option parser understood that some commands take
> arguments. So you can do "bzr diff -r444" rather than "bzr diff -r 444".

I thought it would be nice, so I added it. Patch is attached.

This basically allows the standard notation where multiple short options
can be given tacked together, and arguments can be attached to short

	bzr command -x -y -z 	vs	bzr command -xyz
	bzr command -r 444	vs	bzr command -r444

I am writing up some test cases, but it requires extra work for making
the test script a little bit better, look for multiple patches coming up.

I don't know if it was intentional, but the current code allows for
multi-character short options. I left that in, and I made them
preferentially tested versus single character options. So if we
implement "baz command -rest" it first tests for "rest" then for "-r".
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