Command for "show-changeset"

Erik Bågfors zindar at
Tue May 10 20:01:30 BST 2005

bzr help diff gives

TODO: Given two revision arguments, show the difference between them.

So, I assume bzr diff -r 444 -r 445 would do what you want in later code.


On 5/10/05, John A Meinel <john at> wrote:
> As I'm looking at the bzr source, I can run "bzr log" to get the summary
> of what changed, and bzr log -v to find out what files changed (which
> really needs the select a revision fix so that you can focus on one
> specific log).
> But how do I get the actual "changeset" that a revision represents. Is
> that only possible with bzr diff?
> It would be nice if the option parser understood that some commands take
> arguments. So you can do "bzr diff -r444" rather than "bzr diff -r 444".
> Right now (rsync 10 min ago):
> $ bzr diff -r444
> bzr: error: unknown short option '-r444'
>    at /users/jfmeinel/dev/bzr/ in bailout()
>    see ~/.bzr.log for debug information
> So right now, is the only way to:
> bzr brach ./ at 445 bzr-445
> cd bzr-445
> bzr diff -r 444
> To get the diff from 444 to 445?
> I got the impression from the mailing list and documentation that revno
> are considered snapshots, not changes, so saying "show-changeset 444"
> doesn't make sense, you only have "show-diff 443 vs 444" to see what
> happened between the 2 tree states, is that correct? Or is that just the
> current state of affairs?
> John
> =:->
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