Web interface update

Martin Pool mbp at sourcefrog.net
Mon May 9 07:29:13 BST 2005

On  9 May 2005, Lalo Martins <lalo at exoweb.net> wrote:
> Chris McCormick wrote:
> > Get the patch for the complete web interface here:
> > 
> > <http://mccormick.cx/bzrweb/index.py/diff/311/294/text>
> hmm... forgive my n00bness, but until bzr has the right commands to do
> it, what do I do with annotated diffs?  Apply them by hand?  My version
> of patch doesn't want to have anything to do with your diff :-)  (it
> doesn't find the files to patch, presumably due to lack of timestamp)

You should be able to send them through patch, but that may not be
working at the moment.

I don't think the mailing list strips attachments.  There is one on
this message to test it.

On the whole I think I'd rather keep bzrweb as a separate project
rather than putting it in the bzr tree.  It should be a good test that
there is a reasonable library interface.  Chris, did you run into
anything in the API that was unclear or missing?  I suspect at least
some things are too slow for a web viewer at the moment.

-------------- next part --------------
test attachment

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