[PATCH] bzr help commands extension

Koen Witters kwitters at pandora.be
Fri May 6 11:06:23 BST 2005

Hello all,

Since this is my first post I would like to congratulate the people 
involved in bazaar-ng for their nice ideas/work. Bzr is definitely the 
revision control system I was looking for, only problem is that it isn't 
finished yet ;-). By the way, I think using Python was an excellent choice.

I've upgrade the 'bzr help commands' a bit to represent some sort of 
handy reference (much like the command listing in 'bzr help'). Please 
let me know if you like it or not. Here is a snipet of the output to get 
the idea:

--------------[ Info Commands ]---------------------------------------
  bzr help [COMMAND]
      Show help screen
  bzr version
      Show software version/licence/non-warranty.
  bzr whoami
      Show bzr user id.
  bzr rocks
      Statement of optimism.

--------------[ Branch Commands ]-------------------------------------
  bzr init
      Start versioning the current directory
  bzr root
      Print the branch root.


(Watch out at the end of this patch: the long lines in show_reference() 
will probalby be wrapped by my mail client)

*** modified file 'bzrlib/commands.py'
--- bzrlib/commands.py
+++ bzrlib/commands.py
@@ -30,37 +30,7 @@

 * No merge operators yet.

-Interesting commands:
-  bzr help [COMMAND]
-      Show help screen
-  bzr version
-      Show software version/licence/non-warranty.
-  bzr init
-      Start versioning the current directory
-  bzr add FILE...
-      Make files versioned.
-  bzr log
-      Show revision history.
-  bzr rename FROM TO
-      Rename one file.
-  bzr move FROM... DESTDIR
-      Move one or more files to a different directory.
-  bzr diff [FILE...]
-      Show changes from last revision to working copy.
-  bzr commit -m 'MESSAGE'
-      Store current state as new revision.
-      Export the branch state at a previous version.
-  bzr status
-      Show summary of pending changes.
-  bzr remove FILE...
-      Make a file not versioned.
-  bzr info
-      Show statistics about this branch.
-  bzr check
-      Verify history is stored safely.
-  (for more type 'bzr help commands')
+Interesting commands: (for more type 'bzr help commands')

@@ -173,6 +143,8 @@

 def cmd_add(file_list, verbose=False):
     """Add specified files or directories.
+    usage: bzr add FILE...

     In non-recursive mode, all the named items are added, regardless
     of whether they were previously ignored.  A warning is given if
@@ -220,6 +192,10 @@
 # special behaviour of Unix?

 def cmd_move(source_list, dest):
+    """Move one or more files to a different directory.
+    usage: bzr move FROM DESTDIR
+    """
     b = Branch('.')

     b.move([b.relpath(s) for s in source_list], b.relpath(dest))
@@ -269,7 +245,7 @@

 def cmd_info():
-    """info: Show statistical information for this branch
+    """Show statistical information for this branch

     usage: bzr info"""
     import info
@@ -278,6 +254,10 @@

 def cmd_remove(file_list, verbose=False):
+    """Make a file not versioned.
+    usage: bzr remove FILE...
+    """
     b = Branch(file_list[0])
     b.remove([b.relpath(f) for f in file_list], verbose=verbose)

@@ -335,6 +315,8 @@

 def cmd_init():
+    """Start versioning the current directory
+    """
     # TODO: Check we're not already in a working directory?  At the
     # moment you'll get an ugly error.

@@ -349,7 +331,7 @@

 def cmd_diff(revision=None, file_list=None):
     """bzr diff: Show differences in working tree.
     usage: bzr diff [-r REV] [FILE...]

     --revision REV
@@ -626,7 +608,10 @@

 def cmd_export(revno, dest):
-    """Export past revision to destination directory."""
+    """Export past revision to destination directory.
+    usage: bzr export REVNO DESTINATION
+    """
     b = Branch('.')
     rh = b.lookup_revision(int(revno))
     t = b.revision_tree(rh)
@@ -655,6 +640,8 @@

 def cmd_commit(message=None, verbose=False):
     """Commit changes to a new revision.
+    usage: bzr commit -m 'MESSAGE'

     --message MESSAGE
         Description of changes in this revision; free form text.
@@ -762,12 +749,21 @@
 # help

+import help

 def cmd_help(topic=None):
+    """Show help screen
+    usage: bzr help [COMMAND]
+    """
     if topic == None:
         print __doc__
+        help.show_docs( ['help', 'version', 'init', 'add', 'log', 'rename',
+                         'move', 'diff', 'commit', 'export', 'status',
+                         'remove', 'info', 'check'] )
     elif topic == 'commands':
-        help_commands()
+        help.show_reference()
         # otherwise, maybe the name of a command?
         topic, cmdfn = get_cmd_handler(topic)
@@ -779,24 +775,18 @@
         print doc

-def help_commands():
-    """List all commands"""
+def get_commands():
     accu = []
     for k in globals().keys():
         if k.startswith('cmd_'):
-    print "bzr commands: "
-    for x in accu:
-        print "   " + x
-    print "note: some of these commands are internal-use or obsolete"
-    # TODO: Some kind of marker for internal-use commands?
-    # TODO: Show aliases?
+    return accu

 def cmd_version():
+    """Show software version/licence/non-warranty.
+    """
     print "bzr (bazaar-ng) %s" % bzrlib.__version__
     print bzrlib.__copyright__
     print "http://bazaar-ng.org/"

*** added file 'bzrlib/help.py'
--- /dev/null
+++ bzrlib/help.py
@@ -1,0 +1,63 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 by Martin Pool
+# Copyright (C) 2005 by Canonical Ltd
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+import commands
+import re
+from inspect import getdoc
+def show_reference():
+    print "\n--------------[ Info Commands 
+    show_docs( ['help', 'version', 'whoami', 'rocks'] )
+    print "\n--------------[ Branch Commands 
+    show_docs( ['init', 'root', 'info', 'status', 'log', 'diff', 'check'] )
+    print "\n--------------[ Revision Commands 
+    show_docs( ['commit', 'export', 'get-revision'] )
+    print "\n--------------[ File Commands 
+    show_docs( ['file-id', 'ls', 'cat', 'add', 'move', 'rename', 
'remove', 'relpath',
+                'ignored', 'missing', 'get-file-text', 'renames', 
+                'directories', 'file-id-path'] )
+    print "\nFor more help on a command type 'bzr help [COMMAND]'"
+def show_docs( commands ):
+    for cmd in commands:
+        show_short_doc( cmd )
+def show_short_doc( command ):
+    command, cmd_handle = commands.get_cmd_handler( command )
+    doc = getdoc( cmd_handle )
+    if( doc != None ):
+        reg = re.search( r"usage:(.*)$", doc, re.MULTILINE )
+        if( reg != None ):
+            print "  " + reg.group(1).strip()
+        else:
+            print "  bzr " + command
+        print "      " + doc.splitlines()[0]
+    else:
+        print "  bzr " + command
+        print

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