git and bzr

Erik Bågfors zindar at
Fri Apr 29 00:36:01 BST 2005

> This is why I'm particularly interested in seeing how bzr performs on old
> trees with high activity.  One of the things on my to-do list is to make a
> tool that will do a full import of a Subversion repository into bzr,
> including history.  I'll be able to pull the Subversion sources themselves,
> which is a reasonably large project, and then do some benchmarks.

I converted darcs darcs tree to bzr.. and bzr was alot faster then
darcs when dealing with it. But then there are lot's of things that we
can't do in bzr yet and that are slow in darcs.  Checkout/get,
cherry-pick, merges, etc.

gxis la (jes, mi vidis vian eon tekston). :)


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