test.sh fails due to PATH issues

Benno benjl at cse.unsw.edu.au
Wed Apr 27 09:59:38 BST 2005

So just running test.sh fails if you run it in the source directory.

To reproduce:

$ <check out bzr>
$ mkdir bzr-test.tmp 
$ ./test.sh

Now the reson why it fails is that while bzr is in my path, (my path
contains "."[1]), it fails as soon as you cd into a created directory.

I really like having the test.sh in the top-level while developing to
check I don't break things. I'm not sure the best way to solve this. I
do PATH=`pwd`:$PATH ./test.sh, which works pretty well, but is a bit

Not sure the best way to solve this. At one point I replaced bzr with $BZR
and defined BZR at the top of the file, but this is also crufty.

On the test.sh side of things, is there a reason not to get the script
to create bzr-test.tmp?



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