bazaar-ng copyright policy

Martin Pool mbp at
Mon Apr 25 10:30:13 BST 2005

On Sat, 2005-04-23 at 09:57 +0200, Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> Neil Schemenauer wrote:
> >

> > From a legal standpoint, I'm not sure about it.  Legal counsel for a
> > previous employer said the join ownership idea was legally
> > impossible.  OTOH, I'm pretty sure that lawyer was incompetent. :-)
> looking at my local copyrights laws, it's not at all obvious that I can share the copy-
> right with someone who hasn't contributed to the work.  I can transfer the copyright
> for the entire work, or for parts of it, but I cannot find any text that covers joint owner-
> ship.

As I understand it, the FSF handles this by accepting the copyright
assignment, then in return granting an unlimited licence back to the
original contributor.  The agreement also says that the party receiving
the copyright will licence it only on particular terms.  [This may be
all wrong.]  The effect seems broadly similar to the Zope arrangement,
but without relying on joint copyright which might not work in some


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