bug? iter_entries() skips from_dir entry

Aaron Bentley aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca
Wed Apr 20 15:28:47 BST 2005

Hash: SHA1

duchier at ps.uni-sb.de wrote:
| Aaron Bentley <aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca> writes:
|>Aaron Bentley wrote:
|>| An explicit root also allows you to graft trees together in interesting
|>| ways.  You can copy the root of A into B as a subdirectory, and still be
|>| able to
|>...still be able to merge from B to A and vice-versa, even merges
|>involving file moves.
| I am probably missing a subtle point in your argument because I don't
see how
| having an explicit root part of the inventory affects the operation
you mention
| at all :-/

A 'move' operation changes a file's parent directory, so it must make
reference to it.  If the parent directory has been moved or renamed,
simply using the parent's path would result in bad behavior.  So a move
operation must reference the old parent ID and the new parent ID.

If the root has a globally-unique ID, it doesn't matter if you later
move that root around, or stick it inside another tree, or anything--
because it's (nearly) a normal directory, operations moving files into
that directory will work without a problem.

In order for the root to have a globally-unique ID, it must be explicit.

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