[PATCH] Do not read file to memory on commit

Harri Salokorpi hsalokor at ee.oulu.fi
Sat Apr 16 18:48:20 BST 2005


This is continuation to previous patch. It is a bit more risky, so I 
split the patch in 2 parts.

Patch changes ImmutableStore and Branch, so whole file won't be loaded 
to memory on commit. This is mainly useful for very large files. It also 
moves the SHA1 calculation to ImmutableStore (basically the sha1 is 
calculated 'on the fly' when file is copied).

I expected a slight performance increase, but apparently I have too much 
free memory lying around and OS just pulls everything from cache. On my 
system there's a slight (~8%) performance hit for midsized files, but 
your mileage may vary.

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