Slow startup?

Denys Duchier duchier at
Fri Apr 15 03:11:54 BST 2005

Robert Collins <robertc at> writes:

>> I agree sticking stuff in a directory in ~ would be nice, but call it 
>> something other than .bzr, in case people want to version their home 
>> directory.  I know of many people who do that in Subversion or CVS 
>> today, and there's no reason to make it impossible when we can easily 
>> pick another directory name (.bazaar perhaps).
> .bazaar is fine by me - it steps along the convergence of baz and bzr
> path too. 

How about ~/.bzr.d?

Dr. Denys Duchier - IRI & LIFL - CNRS, Lille, France
AIM: duchierdenys

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