some comments on bazaar-ng

Denys Duchier duchier at
Wed Apr 13 09:09:39 BST 2005

Martin Pool <mbp at> writes:

> What I suggest you do is have a look in the .bzr directory of a tree to
> get a good sense of how everything connects up.

Hi Martin, thanks for your answer; obviously, I am quite new to bzr since I only
started to look at it yesterday, but I really like the general ideas.  I think I
was partly confused because the documentation on the web site doesn't quite seem
to correspond to the current design - or maybe I read it wrong.  I need to
mentally reconnect the bits to get the right picture.

I was also initially confused by .bzr because I expected to see something like
patches somewhere in there, except there aren't any.  That's the "compressed
storage" issue, I gather.

> It depends what you mean by "names".  The filename for a particular file
> in a revision is defined by the directory that contains in it a
> particular revision and is indeed a quite transient thing.

I see that the .bzr/inventory-store defines a list of entries, each pointing to
their parent dir entry.  So, in a sense, this is an inverted tree
representation, right?  And, just to make sure I understood you right, if you
were to want to represent hardlinks, you would have two entries with same
file_id but different parent_id and/or name.  Did I understand this right?

>> With this approach, there is also no reason to distinguish moves from renames.
>> They are exactly the same (but perhaps I am overlooking some practical
>> consideration).
> There is no technical distinction.  It may be useful to make a
> distinction in the user interface; see the list thread about this last
> week.

I have read it, but I could not spot a justification for the distinction.  I
have also read your blog entry on the subject, still without enlightment.

Btw, is there a way to list _all_ commands? "bzr help" only lists _interesting_


Dr. Denys Duchier - IRI & LIFL - CNRS, Lille, France
AIM: duchierdenys

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