self-hosting repo available

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Mon Apr 11 14:37:44 BST 2005

Lele Gaifax wrote:

> As said, this depends on the system setup for Python. You didn't
> mention which distro you're using, but you should be able to locate
> either an /etc/python/ or an equivalent somewhere under the
> /usr/lib/python2.3/ tree.
> It should contain a call to sys.setdefaultencoding(). Debian does it
> this way:
>     encoding = "ascii" # Default value set by _PyUnicode_Init()
>     if 1:  ## <------- THIS is 0 by default
>         # Enable to support locale aware default string encodings.
>         import locale
>         loc = locale.getdefaultlocale()
>         if loc[1]:
>             encoding = loc[1]


(unless you can guarantee that no programs written on your machine will ever escape
into the wild without careful testing on a properly configured Python install)

If you want to write portable code, you should decode on the way in, use Unicode
strings on the inside (for anything that can contain non-ASCII text), and encode on
the way out.  You can either do this by hand (by calling decode and encode at the
right places), or via encoded streams (  You can use getdefaultlocale
to figure out how to deal with input/output from stdin/stdout, but that's about it; any
approach that requires changing system-wide settings is a recipe for disaster.

(if anyone wants me to look at encoding-aware parts of bzr, let me know)

cheers /F 

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