Some notes on distributed SCM

Matt Mackall mpm at
Sun Apr 10 05:28:22 BST 2005

(Martin and Daniel, this is slightly updated)

General thoughts on repository scalability

Some numbers for the kernel repo:
 242M of sources unpacked, ~350 compiled
 17000 files (~12 changes per file)
 65000 changesets
 200000+ total file revisions and growing rapidly
 bk repo is ~250M compressed, 500M uncompressed

Fitting used parts of repo + source + object files + rest of OS in
about 1G of RAM is a good target.

Best case asymptotic performance:
  get single revision    O(1) seeks  O(filesize) CPU
  get single delta       O(1) seeks
  annotate               O(1) seeks if we store parallel annotations
  append                 O(1) seeks
  truncate               O(1) seeks

  commit                 O(changed files)
  revert                 O(changed files)
  diff                   O(changed files)

  merge                  O(changed files) seeks
                         O(equivalent patch) time
                         O(equivalent patch) network I/O

  local clone            O(files) hardlinks
  remote clone           O(revisions) bytes transferred

I think with something like the revfile format and some careful
attention to the merge algorithm, the above is entirely doable.

Thoughts on required repo data structures

 everything is either an append-only log or an append only index
  an index may or may not have an associated logfile
  some logs are revision logs, containing incremental deltas -> revfile
  some logs are nonincremental -> logfile
  each log entry has a checksum of the uncompressed data

 branch-id index
  each repo has a unique branch-id uuid generated at branch time
  current id on tip of index

 merge logfile per remote uuid 
  tip contains highest numbered known common changeset on local and
    remote (this speeds up merge)

 changeset logfile
   contains changeset uuid:local changeset number and list of local
   (file #, rev #) pairs updated in that changeset

 file revfile
   contains revisions of text (possibly with mapping of line#:rev#)

 directory revfile
   contains mapping of filename->file#:rev#
   treated very similarly to file revfile by merge

Rough outline of distributed merge algorithm
  (assumes http range requests or some similar mechanism)
  no CPU overhead on server
  can be pipelined nicely

def merge(remote):
  grab remote branchid
  grab tail of changeset log index
  fill hash with tail of local changeset log index
  for each remote changeset not in log queue changeset
  grab spans of remote changeset log data
  for changeset in remote changeset
    allocate local changeset number
    for file,revision in changeset

  while files in changedfiles:
    for file in changedfiles:
      remember rollback point
      grab update span
      for changeset, revision in changedfiles[files]:
          find most recent changeset touching file in remote changeset
          if not automatic_merge:
             queue merge for manual merge
             queue rest of merges for this file for later automatic
             next file

    process queue of manual merges
    requeue postponed automatic merges in changedfiles

  commit local changesets to changeset index or roll back everything

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