bzr on win32

QuantumG qg at
Thu Apr 7 14:49:58 BST 2005

I thought it would be difficult but thankfully I was wrong.  Support for 
bzr on win32 is trivial: 

    1. Download and install Python
    2. extract the bzr-0.0.3.tgz to a convenient location
    3. set PATH=%PATH%;c:\path\to\bzr-0.0.3
    4. add this .bat file to your bzr directory:
@echo off
set HOME=c:\path\to\bzr-0.0.3
c:\python24\python.exe %HOME%\bzr %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
    5. use bzr on the command line as usual.

Hope someone finds that helpful.


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