cat and rename

Martin Pool mbp at
Wed Apr 6 10:52:34 BST 2005

On Wed, 2005-04-06 at 09:35 +0200, William Dode wrote:
> The bzr cat command is really great !
> But how will it handle renames ?
> bzr add toto
> bzr commit
> bzr rename toto titi
> bzr add toto
> bzr commit
> bzr cat -r 1 titi 
> and
> bzr cat -r 1 toto
> should show the same or not ?

It will show the file that had that name in the given revision -- the
first command will give you an error because there is no titi in r1.

This is where the proposed syntax for in-path versioning might help.
Then either of these give you the first file:

bzr cat titi/@1  (file now called titi, as it was in r1)
bzr cat ./@1/toto  (file called toto in r1)

That might be nice, but I don't think it's urgent.


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