bazaar-ng talk on darcs mailinglist.

Scott James Remnant scott at
Wed Mar 23 16:07:03 GMT 2005

On Wed, 2005-03-23 at 22:55 +1100, Martin Pool wrote:

> As of 22:24 tonight, I am leaning towards something a bit more like the
> monotone model, and somewhat like the darcs model, where the revision
> comes in and unless it's a trivial merge there is a separate commit to
> put it on the destination branch.
A simple heuristic could be that if the user does a merge inside a
working tree, leaving any details of the merge operation except the
"from" up to bzr to decide, it applies the result to the tree and lets
the user commit it.

If the user does the merge outside a working tree with full details of
both from and destination of the merge, it does the commit itself if
possible otherwise fails.

Scott James Remnant          Ubuntu Down Under -- 25th - 30th April 2005
scott at                     Vibe Rushcutters, Sydney, Australia
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