Rev 6509: (jam) Add per_workingtree test scenario for a lightweight checkout of in file:///srv/

Patch Queue Manager pqm at
Fri Sep 7 11:04:11 UTC 2012

At file:///srv/

revno: 6509 [merge]
revision-id: pqm at
parent: pqm at
parent: john at
committer: Patch Queue Manager <pqm at>
branch nick: 2.5
timestamp: Fri 2012-09-07 11:04:10 +0000
  (jam) Add per_workingtree test scenario for a lightweight checkout of
  	a RemoteRepository (bug #1046697) and cleanup all associated fallout.
  doc/en/release-notes/bzr-2.5.txt bzr2.5.txt-20110708125756-587p0hpw7oke4h05-1
=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2012-01-28 00:56:56 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2012-09-06 09:48:06 +0000
@@ -3129,7 +3129,8 @@
         return a_bzrdir.open_branch(name=name, 
-    def _vfs_initialize(self, a_bzrdir, name, append_revisions_only):
+    def _vfs_initialize(self, a_bzrdir, name, append_revisions_only,
+                        repository=None):
         # Initialisation when using a local bzrdir object, or a non-vfs init
         # method is not available on the server.
         # self._custom_format is always set - the start of initialize ensures
@@ -3137,11 +3138,13 @@
         if isinstance(a_bzrdir, RemoteBzrDir):
             result = self._custom_format.initialize(a_bzrdir._real_bzrdir,
-                name=name, append_revisions_only=append_revisions_only)
+                name=name, append_revisions_only=append_revisions_only,
+                repository=repository)
             # We assume the bzrdir is parameterised; it may not be.
             result = self._custom_format.initialize(a_bzrdir, name=name,
-                append_revisions_only=append_revisions_only)
+                append_revisions_only=append_revisions_only,
+                repository=repository)
         if (isinstance(a_bzrdir, RemoteBzrDir) and
             not isinstance(result, RemoteBranch)):
             result = RemoteBranch(a_bzrdir, a_bzrdir.find_repository(), result,
@@ -3164,11 +3167,13 @@
         # Being asked to create on a non RemoteBzrDir:
         if not isinstance(a_bzrdir, RemoteBzrDir):
             return self._vfs_initialize(a_bzrdir, name=name,
-                append_revisions_only=append_revisions_only)
+                append_revisions_only=append_revisions_only,
+                repository=repository)
         medium = a_bzrdir._client._medium
         if medium._is_remote_before((1, 13)):
             return self._vfs_initialize(a_bzrdir, name=name,
-                append_revisions_only=append_revisions_only)
+                append_revisions_only=append_revisions_only,
+                repository=repository)
         # Creating on a remote bzr dir.
         # 2) try direct creation via RPC
         path = a_bzrdir._path_for_remote_call(a_bzrdir._client)
@@ -3182,7 +3187,8 @@
             # Fallback - use vfs methods
             medium._remember_remote_is_before((1, 13))
             return self._vfs_initialize(a_bzrdir, name=name,
-                    append_revisions_only=append_revisions_only)
+                    append_revisions_only=append_revisions_only,
+                    repository=repository)
         if response[0] != 'ok':
             raise errors.UnexpectedSmartServerResponse(response)
         # Turn the response into a RemoteRepository object.
@@ -3867,6 +3873,9 @@
             target, overwrite=overwrite, stop_revision=stop_revision, lossy=lossy,
+    def peek_lock_mode(self):
+        return self._lock_mode
     def is_locked(self):
         return self._lock_count >= 1

=== modified file 'bzrlib/smart/'
--- a/bzrlib/smart/	2011-12-19 13:23:58 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/smart/	2012-09-06 11:19:35 +0000
@@ -736,15 +736,18 @@
         pb = ui.ui_factory.nested_progress_bar()
         rc = self._record_counter
-        # Make and consume sub generators, one per substream type:
-        while self.first_bytes is not None:
-            substream = NetworkRecordStream(self.iter_substream_bytes())
-            # after substream is fully consumed, self.current_type is set to
-            # the next type, and self.first_bytes is set to the matching bytes.
-            yield self.current_type, wrap_and_count(pb, rc, substream)
-        if rc:
-            pb.update('Done', rc.max, rc.max)
-        pb.finished()
+        try:
+            # Make and consume sub generators, one per substream type:
+            while self.first_bytes is not None:
+                substream = NetworkRecordStream(self.iter_substream_bytes())
+                # after substream is fully consumed, self.current_type is set
+                # to the next type, and self.first_bytes is set to the matching
+                # bytes.
+                yield self.current_type, wrap_and_count(pb, rc, substream)
+        finally:
+            if rc:
+                pb.update('Done', rc.max, rc.max)
+            pb.finished()
     def seed_state(self):
         """Prepare the _ByteStreamDecoder to decode from the pack stream."""

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/per_tree/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/per_tree/	2011-06-14 01:26:41 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/per_tree/	2012-09-07 08:52:36 +0000
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
+    transport,
 from bzrlib.tests.per_controldir.test_controldir import TestCaseWithControlDir
 from bzrlib.tests.per_workingtree import (
@@ -99,11 +100,24 @@
 class TestCaseWithTree(TestCaseWithControlDir):
     def make_branch_and_tree(self, relpath):
-        made_control = self.make_bzrdir(relpath, format=
-            self.workingtree_format._matchingbzrdir)
+        bzrdir_format = self.workingtree_format.get_controldir_for_branch()
+        made_control = self.make_bzrdir(relpath, format=bzrdir_format)
-        made_control.create_branch()
-        return self.workingtree_format.initialize(made_control)
+        b = made_control.create_branch()
+        if getattr(self, 'repo_is_remote', False):
+            # If the repo is remote, then we just create a local lightweight
+            # checkout
+            # XXX: This duplicates a lot of Branch.create_checkout, but we know
+            #      we want a) lightweight, and b) a specific WT format. We also
+            #      know that nothing should already exist, etc.
+            t = transport.get_transport(relpath)
+            t.ensure_base()
+            wt_dir = bzrdir_format.initialize_on_transport(t)
+            branch_ref = wt_dir.set_branch_reference(b)
+            wt = wt_dir.create_workingtree(None, from_branch=branch_ref)
+        else:
+            wt = self.workingtree_format.initialize(made_control)
+        return wt
     def workingtree_to_test_tree(self, tree):
         return self._workingtree_to_test_tree(self, tree)

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/per_workingtree/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/per_workingtree/	2011-09-23 12:32:30 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/per_workingtree/	2012-09-07 08:52:36 +0000
@@ -25,18 +25,37 @@
 from bzrlib import (
+    transport,
-from bzrlib.tests import per_controldir
-def make_scenarios(transport_server, transport_readonly_server, formats):
+from bzrlib.transport import memory
+from bzrlib.tests import (
+    per_controldir,
+    test_server,
+    )
+def make_scenarios(transport_server, transport_readonly_server, formats,
+                   remote_server=None, remote_readonly_server=None,
+                   remote_backing_server=None):
     result = []
     for workingtree_format in formats:
+    default_wt_format = workingtree.format_registry.get_default()
+    if remote_server is None:
+        remote_server = test_server.SmartTCPServer_for_testing
+    if remote_readonly_server is None:
+        remote_readonly_server = test_server.ReadonlySmartTCPServer_for_testing
+    if remote_backing_server is None:
+        remote_backing_server = memory.MemoryServer
+    scenario = make_scenario(remote_server, remote_readonly_server,
+                             default_wt_format)
+    scenario['repo_is_remote'] = True;
+    scenario['vfs_transport_factory'] = remote_backing_server
+    result.append((default_wt_format.__class__.__name__ + ',remote', scenario))
     return result
@@ -71,8 +90,22 @@
     def make_branch_and_tree(self, relpath, format=None):
         made_control = self.make_bzrdir(relpath, format=format)
-        made_control.create_branch()
-        return self.workingtree_format.initialize(made_control)
+        b = made_control.create_branch()
+        if getattr(self, 'repo_is_remote', False):
+            # If the repo is remote, then we just create a local lightweight
+            # checkout
+            # XXX: This duplicates a lot of Branch.create_checkout, but we know
+            #      we want a) lightweight, and b) a specific WT format. We also
+            #      know that nothing should already exist, etc.
+            t = transport.get_transport(relpath)
+            t.ensure_base()
+            bzrdir_format = self.workingtree_format.get_controldir_for_branch()
+            wt_dir = bzrdir_format.initialize_on_transport(t)
+            branch_ref = wt_dir.set_branch_reference(b)
+            wt = wt_dir.create_workingtree(None, from_branch=branch_ref)
+        else:
+            wt = self.workingtree_format.initialize(made_control)
+        return wt
     def make_branch_builder(self, relpath, format=None):
         if format is None:

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/per_workingtree/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/per_workingtree/	2012-01-25 21:13:15 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/per_workingtree/	2012-09-06 08:05:21 +0000
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
     revision as _mod_revision,
+    transport as _mod_transport,
 from bzrlib.tests.per_workingtree import TestCaseWithWorkingTree
@@ -316,7 +317,7 @@
         self.build_tree(['a', 'b/', 'b/c', 'd'])
         wt.add(['a', 'b', 'b/c', 'd'], ['a-id', 'b-id', 'c-id', 'd-id'])
-        this_dir = self.get_transport()
+        this_dir = wt.bzrdir.root_transport
         # now we have a tree with a through d in the inventory, but only
@@ -352,7 +353,7 @@
         wt.add(['a', 'b', 'b/c'], ['a-id', 'b-id', 'c-id'])
-        this_dir = self.get_transport()
+        this_dir = wt.bzrdir.root_transport
         wt.commit('commit deleted rename')

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/per_workingtree/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/per_workingtree/	2011-12-19 16:59:14 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/per_workingtree/	2012-09-06 08:44:28 +0000
@@ -71,8 +71,7 @@
         self.wt.commit('adding a,b', rev_id='r1')
         # Now make sure that 'bzr branch' also preserves the
         # executable bit
-        # TODO: Maybe this should be a blackbox test
-        dir2 = self.wt.branch.bzrdir.clone('b2', revision_id='r1')
+        dir2 = self.wt.branch.bzrdir.sprout('b2', revision_id='r1')
         wt2 = dir2.open_workingtree()
         self.assertEqual(['r1'], wt2.get_parent_ids())
         self.assertEqual('r1', wt2.branch.last_revision())

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/per_workingtree/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/per_workingtree/	2011-06-14 01:26:41 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/per_workingtree/	2012-09-06 09:00:45 +0000
@@ -21,9 +21,7 @@
 from bzrlib import (
-    osutils,
     revision as _mod_revision,
-    tests,
 from bzrlib.inventory import (
@@ -475,7 +473,11 @@
         # large hammer, this is a particularly sensitive area of code, so the
         # extra assurance is well worth it.
-        osutils.rmtree('tree')
+        # If tree.branch is remote
+        if tree.user_url != tree.branch.user_url:
+            # We have a lightweight checkout, delete both locations
+            tree.branch.bzrdir.root_transport.delete_tree('.')
+        tree.bzrdir.root_transport.delete_tree('.')
     def test_no_parents_just_root(self):
         """Test doing an empty commit - no parent, set a root only."""

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/per_workingtree/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/per_workingtree/	2011-05-13 12:51:05 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/per_workingtree/	2012-09-06 09:29:30 +0000
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@
         """Removing a absent directory succeeds without corruption (#150438)."""
         paths = ['a/', 'a/b']
         tree = self.get_committed_tree(paths)
-        self.get_transport('.').delete_tree('a')
+        tree.bzrdir.root_transport.delete_tree('a')

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/per_workingtree/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/per_workingtree/	2011-09-06 09:51:45 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/per_workingtree/	2012-09-06 09:29:30 +0000
@@ -135,6 +135,9 @@
         wt = self.make_branch_and_tree('.')
+        if wt.user_url != wt.branch.user_url:
+            # Lightweight checkout, make sure we have a repo location.
+            wt.branch.bzrdir.root_transport.mkdir('original')
         child_tree = self.make_branch_and_tree('original/child')
         for path in paths:

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/per_workingtree/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/per_workingtree/	2009-07-10 07:14:02 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/per_workingtree/	2012-09-06 10:27:16 +0000
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 from bzrlib import views, errors
-from bzrlib.tests import TestSkipped
+from bzrlib.tests import TestNotApplicable, TestSkipped
 from bzrlib.workingtree import WorkingTree
 from bzrlib.tests.per_workingtree import TestCaseWithWorkingTree
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
             raise TestSkipped("format %s doesn't declare whether it "
                 "supports views, assuming not" % fmt)
         if not f():
-            raise TestSkipped("format %s doesn't support views" % fmt)
+            raise TestNotApplicable("format %s doesn't support views" % fmt)
     def test_views_initially_empty(self):

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/per_workingtree/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/per_workingtree/	2012-01-25 21:13:15 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/per_workingtree/	2012-09-06 12:05:27 +0000
@@ -57,10 +57,20 @@
 class TestWorkingTree(TestCaseWithWorkingTree):
+    def requireBranchReference(self):
+        test_branch = self.make_branch('test-branch')
+        try:
+            # if there is a working tree now, this is not supported.
+            test_branch.bzrdir.open_workingtree()
+            raise TestNotApplicable("only on trees that can be separate"
+                " from their branch.")
+        except (errors.NoWorkingTree, errors.NotLocalUrl):
+            pass
     def test_branch_builder(self):
         # Just a smoke test that we get a branch at the specified relpath
         builder = self.make_branch_builder('foobar')
-        br ='foobar')
+        br ='foobar'))
     def test_list_files(self):
         tree = self.make_branch_and_tree('.')
@@ -122,8 +132,10 @@
     def test_open_containing(self):
-        branch = self.make_branch_and_tree('.').branch
-        local_base = urlutils.local_path_from_url(branch.base)
+        local_wt = self.make_branch_and_tree('.')
+        local_url = local_wt.bzrdir.root_transport.base
+        local_base = urlutils.local_path_from_url(local_url)
+        del local_wt
         # Empty opens '.'
         wt, relpath = WorkingTree.open_containing()
@@ -161,6 +173,7 @@
     def test_lock_locks_branch(self):
         tree = self.make_branch_and_tree('.')
+        self.assertEqual(None, tree.branch.peek_lock_mode())
         self.assertEqual('r', tree.branch.peek_lock_mode())
@@ -362,14 +375,8 @@
         # that formats where initialising a branch does not initialise a
         # tree - and thus have separable entities - support skewing the
         # two things.
-        branch = self.make_branch('tree')
-        try:
-            # if there is a working tree now, this is not supported.
-            branch.bzrdir.open_workingtree()
-            return
-        except errors.NoWorkingTree:
-            pass
-        wt = branch.bzrdir.create_workingtree()
+        self.requireBranchReference()
+        wt = self.make_branch_and_tree('tree')
         wt.commit('A', allow_pointless=True, rev_id='A')
         self.assertEqual([], wt.get_parent_ids())
@@ -478,19 +485,13 @@
         # that formats where initialising a branch does not initialise a
         # tree - and thus have separable entities - support skewing the
         # two things.
-        main_branch = self.make_branch('tree')
-        try:
-            # if there is a working tree now, this is not supported.
-            main_branch.bzrdir.open_workingtree()
-            return
-        except errors.NoWorkingTree:
-            pass
-        wt = main_branch.bzrdir.create_workingtree()
+        self.requireBranchReference()
+        wt = self.make_branch_and_tree('tree')
         # create an out of date working tree by making a checkout in this
         # current format
         self.build_tree(['checkout/', 'tree/file'])
         checkout = bzrdir.BzrDirMetaFormat1().initialize('checkout')
-        checkout.set_branch_reference(main_branch)
+        checkout.set_branch_reference(wt.branch)
         old_tree = self.workingtree_format.initialize(checkout)
         # now commit to 'tree'
@@ -545,19 +546,13 @@
         # that formats where initialising a branch does not initialise a
         # tree - and thus have separable entities - support skewing the
         # two things.
-        main_branch = self.make_branch('tree')
-        try:
-            # if there is a working tree now, this is not supported.
-            main_branch.bzrdir.open_workingtree()
-            return
-        except errors.NoWorkingTree:
-            pass
-        wt = main_branch.bzrdir.create_workingtree()
+        self.requireBranchReference()
+        wt = self.make_branch_and_tree('tree')
         # create an out of date working tree by making a checkout in this
         # current format
         self.build_tree(['checkout/', 'tree/file'])
         checkout = bzrdir.BzrDirMetaFormat1().initialize('checkout')
-        checkout.set_branch_reference(main_branch)
+        checkout.set_branch_reference(wt.branch)
         old_tree = self.workingtree_format.initialize(checkout)
         # now commit to 'tree'

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/	2011-11-08 17:07:23 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/	2012-09-07 10:33:40 +0000
@@ -334,8 +334,11 @@
         server1 = "a"
         server2 = "b"
         formats = [workingtree_4.WorkingTreeFormat4(),
-                   workingtree_3.WorkingTreeFormat3(),]
-        scenarios = make_scenarios(server1, server2, formats)
+                   workingtree_3.WorkingTreeFormat3(),
+                   workingtree_4.WorkingTreeFormat6()]
+        scenarios = make_scenarios(server1, server2, formats,
+            remote_server='c', remote_readonly_server='d',
+            remote_backing_server='e')
              {'bzrdir_format': formats[0]._matchingbzrdir,
@@ -346,19 +349,33 @@
              {'bzrdir_format': formats[1]._matchingbzrdir,
               'transport_readonly_server': 'b',
               'transport_server': 'a',
-              'workingtree_format': formats[1]})],
-            scenarios)
+              'workingtree_format': formats[1]}),
+            ('WorkingTreeFormat6',
+             {'bzrdir_format': formats[2]._matchingbzrdir,
+              'transport_readonly_server': 'b',
+              'transport_server': 'a',
+              'workingtree_format': formats[2]}),
+            ('WorkingTreeFormat6,remote',
+             {'bzrdir_format': formats[2]._matchingbzrdir,
+              'repo_is_remote': True,
+              'transport_readonly_server': 'd',
+              'transport_server': 'c',
+              'vfs_transport_factory': 'e',
+              'workingtree_format': formats[2]}),
+            ], scenarios)
 class TestTreeScenarios(tests.TestCase):
     def test_scenarios(self):
         # the tree implementation scenario generator is meant to setup one
-        # instance for each working tree format, and one additional instance
+        # instance for each working tree format, one additional instance
         # that will use the default wt format, but create a revision tree for
-        # the tests.  this means that the wt ones should have the
-        # workingtree_to_test_tree attribute set to 'return_parameter' and the
-        # revision one set to revision_tree_from_workingtree.
+        # the tests, and one more that uses the default wt format as a
+        # lightweight checkout of a remote repository.  This means that the wt
+        # ones should have the workingtree_to_test_tree attribute set to
+        # 'return_parameter' and the revision one set to
+        # revision_tree_from_workingtree.
         from bzrlib.tests.per_tree import (
@@ -370,13 +387,17 @@
         server1 = "a"
         server2 = "b"
+        smart_server = test_server.SmartTCPServer_for_testing
+        smart_readonly_server = test_server.ReadonlySmartTCPServer_for_testing
+        mem_server = memory.MemoryServer
         formats = [workingtree_4.WorkingTreeFormat4(),
         scenarios = make_scenarios(server1, server2, formats)
-        self.assertEqual(7, len(scenarios))
+        self.assertEqual(8, len(scenarios))
         default_wt_format = workingtree.format_registry.get_default()
         wt4_format = workingtree_4.WorkingTreeFormat4()
         wt5_format = workingtree_4.WorkingTreeFormat5()
+        wt6_format = workingtree_4.WorkingTreeFormat6()
         expected_scenarios = [
              {'bzrdir_format': formats[0]._matchingbzrdir,
@@ -392,6 +413,15 @@
               'workingtree_format': formats[1],
               '_workingtree_to_test_tree': return_parameter,
+            ('WorkingTreeFormat6,remote',
+             {'bzrdir_format': wt6_format._matchingbzrdir,
+              'repo_is_remote': True,
+              'transport_readonly_server': smart_readonly_server,
+              'transport_server': smart_server,
+              'vfs_transport_factory': mem_server,
+              'workingtree_format': wt6_format,
+              '_workingtree_to_test_tree': return_parameter,
+             }),
              {'_workingtree_to_test_tree': revision_tree_from_workingtree,
               'bzrdir_format': default_wt_format._matchingbzrdir,

=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2012-01-06 14:09:04 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2012-09-07 06:28:43 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Canonical Ltd
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Canonical Ltd
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -1677,6 +1677,12 @@
     def supports_views(self):
         return True
+    def _get_matchingbzrdir(self):
+        """Overrideable method to get a bzrdir for testing."""
+        # We use 'development-subtree' instead of '2a', because we have a
+        # few tests that want to test tree references
+        return bzrdir.format_registry.make_bzrdir('development-subtree')
 class DirStateRevisionTree(InventoryTree):
     """A revision tree pulling the inventory from a dirstate.
@@ -1882,8 +1888,18 @@
         return self.inventory[file_id].text_size
     def get_file_text(self, file_id, path=None):
-        _, content = list(self.iter_files_bytes([(file_id, None)]))[0]
-        return ''.join(content)
+        content = None
+        for _, content_iter in self.iter_files_bytes([(file_id, None)]):
+            if content is not None:
+                raise AssertionError('iter_files_bytes returned'
+                    ' too many entries')
+            # For each entry returned by iter_files_bytes, we must consume the
+            # content_iter before we step the files iterator.
+            content = ''.join(content_iter)
+        if content is None:
+            raise AssertionError('iter_files_bytes did not return'
+                ' the requested data')
+        return content
     def get_reference_revision(self, file_id, path=None):
         return self.inventory[file_id].reference_revision

=== modified file 'doc/en/release-notes/bzr-2.5.txt'
--- a/doc/en/release-notes/bzr-2.5.txt	2012-08-01 08:51:57 +0000
+++ b/doc/en/release-notes/bzr-2.5.txt	2012-09-06 12:05:27 +0000
@@ -35,8 +35,16 @@
 * ``bzr config`` properly handles aliases and references in the
   ``--directory`` parameter (Vincent Ladeuil, Wouter van Heyst, #947049)
+* Lightweight checkouts of remote repositories had a bug with how they
+  extracted texts from the repository. (Just an ordering constraint on how
+  they consumed the stream.) (John Arbash Meinel, #1046284)
 * Revert use of --no-tty when gpg signing commits. (Jelmer Vernooij, #1014570)
+* Some small bug fixes wrt lightweight checkouts and remote repositories.
+  A test permutation was added that runs all working tree tests against a
+  lightweight checkout. (John Arbash Meinel, #1046697)

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