Rev 6502: (gz) Remove long-skipped bt.per_branch.test_bound_sftp tests (Martin Packman) in file:///srv/
Patch Queue Manager
pqm at
Wed Mar 14 15:11:01 UTC 2012
At file:///srv/
revno: 6502 [merge]
revision-id: pqm at
parent: pqm at
parent: martin.packman at
committer: Patch Queue Manager <pqm at>
branch nick: +trunk
timestamp: Wed 2012-03-14 15:11:00 +0000
(gz) Remove long-skipped bt.per_branch.test_bound_sftp tests (Martin Packman)
=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/per_branch/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/per_branch/ 2011-10-05 12:51:41 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/per_branch/ 2012-03-14 12:29:25 +0000
@@ -149,7 +149,6 @@
def load_tests(standard_tests, module, loader):
per_branch_mod_names = [
- 'bound_sftp',
=== removed file 'bzrlib/tests/per_branch/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/per_branch/ 2012-02-23 19:45:15 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/per_branch/ 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010 Robey Pointer <robey at>, Canonical Ltd
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-"""Tests for branches bound to an sftp branch."""
-import os
-from bzrlib import (
- branch,
- controldir,
- errors,
- tests,
- )
-from bzrlib.tests import test_server
-from bzrlib.transport import memory
-class BoundSFTPBranch(tests.TestCaseWithTransport):
- def setUp(self):
- tests.TestCaseWithTransport.setUp(self)
- self.vfs_transport_factory = memory.MemoryServer
- if self.transport_server is test_server.LocalURLServer:
- self.transport_server = None
- def create_branches(self):
- self.build_tree(['base/', 'base/a', 'base/b'])
- format = controldir.format_registry.make_bzrdir('knit')
- try:
- wt_base = controldir.ControlDir.create_standalone_workingtree(
- self.get_url('base'), format=format)
- except errors.NotLocalUrl:
- raise tests.TestSkipped('Not a local URL')
- b_base = wt_base.branch
- wt_base.add('a')
- wt_base.add('b')
- wt_base.commit('first', rev_id='r at b-1')
- wt_child = b_base.bzrdir.sprout('child').open_workingtree()
- self.sftp_base ='base'))
- wt_child.branch.bind(self.sftp_base)
- # check the branch histories are ready for using in tests.
- self.assertEqual(['r at b-1'], b_base.revision_history())
- self.assertEqual(['r at b-1'], wt_child.branch.revision_history())
- return b_base, wt_child
- def test_simple_binding(self):
- self.build_tree(['base/', 'base/a', 'base/b', 'child/'])
- try:
- wt_base = controldir.ControlDir.create_standalone_workingtree(
- self.get_url('base'))
- except errors.NotLocalUrl:
- raise tests.TestSkipped('Not a local URL')
- wt_base.add('a')
- wt_base.add('b')
- wt_base.commit('first', rev_id='r at b-1')
- b_base = wt_base.branch
- # manually make a branch we can bind, because the default format
- # may not be bindable-from, and we want to test the side effects etc
- # of bondage.
- format = controldir.format_registry.make_bzrdir('knit')
- b_child = controldir.ControlDir.create_branch_convenience(
- 'child', format=format)
- self.assertEqual(None, b_child.get_bound_location())
- self.assertEqual(None, b_child.get_master_branch())
- sftp_b_base ='base'))
- b_child.bind(sftp_b_base)
- self.assertEqual(sftp_b_base.base, b_child.get_bound_location())
- # the bind must not have given b_child history:
- self.assertEqual([], b_child.revision_history())
- # we should be able to update the branch at this point:
- self.assertEqual(None, b_child.update())
- # and now there must be history.
- self.assertEqual(['r at b-1'], b_child.revision_history())
- # this line is more of a working tree test line, but - what the hey,
- # it has work to do.
- b_child.bzrdir.open_workingtree().update()
- self.assertPathExists('child/a')
- self.assertPathExists('child/b')
- b_child.unbind()
- self.assertEqual(None, b_child.get_bound_location())
- def test_bound_commit(self):
- b_base, wt_child = self.create_branches()
- with open('child/a', 'wb') as f: f.write('new contents\n')
- wt_child.commit('modified a', rev_id='r at c-2')
- self.assertEqual(['r at b-1', 'r at c-2'], wt_child.branch.revision_history())
- self.assertEqual(['r at b-1', 'r at c-2'], b_base.revision_history())
- def test_bound_commit_fails_when_out_of_date(self):
- # Make sure commit fails if out of date.
- b_base, wt_child = self.create_branches()
- with open('base/a', 'wb') as f: f.write('new base contents\n')
- b_base.bzrdir.open_workingtree().commit('base', rev_id='r at b-2')
- with open('child/b', 'wb') as f: f.write('new b child contents\n')
- self.assertRaises(errors.BoundBranchOutOfDate,
- wt_child.commit, 'child', rev_id='r at c-2')
- sftp_b_base ='base'))
- # This is all that cmd_update does
- wt_child.pull(sftp_b_base, overwrite=False)
- wt_child.commit('child', rev_id='r at c-3')
- self.assertEqual(['r at b-1', 'r at b-2', 'r at c-3'],
- wt_child.branch.revision_history())
- self.assertEqual(['r at b-1', 'r at b-2', 'r at c-3'],
- b_base.revision_history())
- self.assertEqual(['r at b-1', 'r at b-2', 'r at c-3'],
- sftp_b_base.revision_history())
- def test_double_binding(self):
- b_base, wt_child = self.create_branches()
- wt_child2 = wt_child.branch.create_checkout('child2')
- with open('child2/a', 'wb') as f: f.write('new contents\n')
- self.assertRaises(errors.CommitToDoubleBoundBranch,
- wt_child2.commit, 'child2', rev_id='r at d-2')
- def test_unbinding(self):
- b_base, wt_child = self.create_branches()
- # TestCaseWithSFTPServer only allows you to connect one time
- # to the SFTP server. So we have to create a connection and
- # keep it around, so that it can be reused
- __unused_t = self.get_transport()
- wt_base = b_base.bzrdir.open_workingtree()
- with open('base/a', 'wb') as f: f.write('new base contents\n')
- wt_base.commit('base', rev_id='r at b-2')
- with open('child/b', 'wb') as f: f.write('new b child contents\n')
- self.assertRaises(errors.BoundBranchOutOfDate,
- wt_child.commit, 'child', rev_id='r at c-2')
- self.assertEqual(['r at b-1'], wt_child.branch.revision_history())
- wt_child.branch.unbind()
- wt_child.commit('child', rev_id='r at c-2')
- self.assertEqual(['r at b-1', 'r at c-2'], wt_child.branch.revision_history())
- self.assertEqual(['r at b-1', 'r at b-2'], b_base.revision_history())
- sftp_b_base ='base'))
- self.assertRaises(errors.DivergedBranches,
- wt_child.branch.bind, sftp_b_base)
- def test_commit_remote_bound(self):
- # Make sure it is detected if the current base is bound during the
- # objects lifetime, when the child goes to commit.
- b_base, wt_child = self.create_branches()
- b_base.bzrdir.sprout('newbase')
- sftp_b_base ='base'))
- sftp_b_newbase ='newbase'))
- sftp_b_base.bind(sftp_b_newbase)
- with open('child/a', 'wb') as f: f.write('new contents\n')
- self.assertRaises(errors.CommitToDoubleBoundBranch,
- wt_child.commit, 'failure', rev_id='r at c-2')
- self.assertEqual(['r at b-1'], b_base.revision_history())
- self.assertEqual(['r at b-1'], wt_child.branch.revision_history())
- self.assertEqual(['r at b-1'], sftp_b_newbase.revision_history())
- def test_bind_diverged(self):
- b_base, wt_child = self.create_branches()
- wt_child.branch.unbind()
- with open('child/a', 'ab') as f: f.write('child contents\n')
- wt_child_rev = wt_child.commit('child', rev_id='r at c-2')
- self.assertEqual(['r at b-1', 'r at c-2'], wt_child.branch.revision_history())
- self.assertEqual(['r at b-1'], b_base.revision_history())
- with open('base/b', 'ab') as f: f.write('base contents\n')
- b_base.bzrdir.open_workingtree().commit('base', rev_id='r at b-2')
- self.assertEqual(['r at b-1', 'r at b-2'], b_base.revision_history())
- sftp_b_base ='base'))
- self.assertRaises(errors.DivergedBranches,
- wt_child.branch.bind, sftp_b_base)
- wt_child.merge_from_branch(sftp_b_base)
- self.assertEqual([wt_child_rev, 'r at b-2'], wt_child.get_parent_ids())
- wt_child.commit('merged', rev_id='r at c-3')
- # After a merge, trying to bind again should succeed but not push the
- # new change.
- wt_child.branch.bind(sftp_b_base)
- self.assertEqual(['r at b-1', 'r at b-2'], b_base.revision_history())
- self.assertEqual(['r at b-1', 'r at c-2', 'r at c-3'],
- wt_child.branch.revision_history())
- def test_bind_parent_ahead_preserves_parent(self):
- b_base, wt_child = self.create_branches()
- wt_child.branch.unbind()
- with open('a', 'ab') as f: f.write('base changes\n')
- wt_base = b_base.bzrdir.open_workingtree()
- wt_base.commit('base', rev_id='r at b-2')
- self.assertEqual(['r at b-1', 'r at b-2'], b_base.revision_history())
- self.assertEqual(['r at b-1'], wt_child.branch.revision_history())
- sftp_b_base ='base'))
- wt_child.branch.bind(sftp_b_base)
- self.assertEqual(['r at b-1'], wt_child.branch.revision_history())
- wt_child.branch.unbind()
- # Check and make sure it also works if parent is ahead multiple
- wt_base.commit('base 3', rev_id='r at b-3', allow_pointless=True)
- wt_base.commit('base 4', rev_id='r at b-4', allow_pointless=True)
- wt_base.commit('base 5', rev_id='r at b-5', allow_pointless=True)
- self.assertEqual(['r at b-1', 'r at b-2', 'r at b-3', 'r at b-4', 'r at b-5'],
- b_base.revision_history())
- self.assertEqual(['r at b-1'], wt_child.branch.revision_history())
- wt_child.branch.bind(sftp_b_base)
- self.assertEqual(['r at b-1'], wt_child.branch.revision_history())
- def test_bind_child_ahead_preserves_child(self):
- b_base, wt_child = self.create_branches()
- wt_child.branch.unbind()
- wt_child.commit('child', rev_id='r at c-2', allow_pointless=True)
- self.assertEqual(['r at b-1', 'r at c-2'], wt_child.branch.revision_history())
- self.assertEqual(['r at b-1'], b_base.revision_history())
- sftp_b_base ='base'))
- wt_child.branch.bind(sftp_b_base)
- self.assertEqual(['r at b-1'], b_base.revision_history())
- # Check and make sure it also works if child is ahead multiple
- wt_child.branch.unbind()
- wt_child.commit('child 3', rev_id='r at c-3', allow_pointless=True)
- wt_child.commit('child 4', rev_id='r at c-4', allow_pointless=True)
- wt_child.commit('child 5', rev_id='r at c-5', allow_pointless=True)
- self.assertEqual(['r at b-1', 'r at c-2', 'r at c-3', 'r at c-4', 'r at c-5'],
- wt_child.branch.revision_history())
- self.assertEqual(['r at b-1'], b_base.revision_history())
- wt_child.branch.bind(sftp_b_base)
- self.assertEqual(['r at b-1'], b_base.revision_history())
- def test_commit_after_merge(self):
- b_base, wt_child = self.create_branches()
- # We want merge to be able to be a local only
- # operation, because it does not alter the branch data.
- # But we can't fail afterwards
- wt_other = wt_child.bzrdir.sprout('other').open_workingtree()
- with open('other/c', 'wb') as f: f.write('file c\n')
- wt_other.add('c')
- wt_other.commit('adding c', rev_id='r at d-2')
- self.assertFalse(wt_child.branch.repository.has_revision('r at d-2'))
- self.assertFalse(b_base.repository.has_revision('r at d-2'))
- wt_child.merge_from_branch(wt_other.branch)
- self.assertPathExists('child/c')
- self.assertEqual(['r at d-2'], wt_child.get_parent_ids()[1:])
- self.assertTrue(wt_child.branch.repository.has_revision('r at d-2'))
- self.assertFalse(b_base.repository.has_revision('r at d-2'))
- # Commit should succeed, and cause merged revisions to
- # be pushed into base
- wt_child.commit('merge other', rev_id='r at c-2')
- self.assertEqual(['r at b-1', 'r at c-2'], wt_child.branch.revision_history())
- self.assertEqual(['r at b-1', 'r at c-2'], b_base.revision_history())
- self.assertTrue(b_base.repository.has_revision('r at d-2'))
- def test_commit_fails(self):
- b_base, wt_child = self.create_branches()
- with open('a', 'ab') as f: f.write('child adds some text\n')
- # this deletes the branch from memory
- del b_base
- # and this moves it out of the way on disk
- os.rename('base', 'hidden_base')
- self.assertRaises(errors.BoundBranchConnectionFailure,
- wt_child.commit, 'added text', rev_id='r at c-2')
- # TODO: jam 20051231 We need invasive failure tests, so that we can show
- # performance even when something fails.
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