Rev 6164: Remove dead code (test suite agree it's dead ; ) in file:///home/vila/src/bzr/cleanup/dead-code/

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Sat Sep 24 09:03:00 UTC 2011

At file:///home/vila/src/bzr/cleanup/dead-code/

revno: 6164
revision-id: v.ladeuil+lp at
parent: pqm at
committer: Vincent Ladeuil <v.ladeuil+lp at>
branch nick: dead-code
timestamp: Sat 2011-09-24 11:03:00 +0200
  Remove dead code (test suite agree it's dead ;)
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2011-09-16 10:08:09 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2011-09-24 09:03:00 +0000
@@ -3210,145 +3210,6 @@
                 yield data
-class _DirectPackAccess(object):
-    """Access to data in one or more packs with less translation."""
-    def __init__(self, index_to_packs, reload_func=None, flush_func=None):
-        """Create a _DirectPackAccess object.
-        :param index_to_packs: A dict mapping index objects to the transport
-            and file names for obtaining data.
-        :param reload_func: A function to call if we determine that the pack
-            files have moved and we need to reload our caches. See
-            bzrlib.repo_fmt.pack_repo.AggregateIndex for more details.
-        """
-        self._container_writer = None
-        self._write_index = None
-        self._indices = index_to_packs
-        self._reload_func = reload_func
-        self._flush_func = flush_func
-    def add_raw_records(self, key_sizes, raw_data):
-        """Add raw knit bytes to a storage area.
-        The data is spooled to the container writer in one bytes-record per
-        raw data item.
-        :param sizes: An iterable of tuples containing the key and size of each
-            raw data segment.
-        :param raw_data: A bytestring containing the data.
-        :return: A list of memos to retrieve the record later. Each memo is an
-            opaque index memo. For _DirectPackAccess the memo is (index, pos,
-            length), where the index field is the write_index object supplied
-            to the PackAccess object.
-        """
-        if type(raw_data) is not str:
-            raise AssertionError(
-                'data must be plain bytes was %s' % type(raw_data))
-        result = []
-        offset = 0
-        for key, size in key_sizes:
-            p_offset, p_length = self._container_writer.add_bytes_record(
-                raw_data[offset:offset+size], [])
-            offset += size
-            result.append((self._write_index, p_offset, p_length))
-        return result
-    def flush(self):
-        """Flush pending writes on this access object.
-        This will flush any buffered writes to a NewPack.
-        """
-        if self._flush_func is not None:
-            self._flush_func()
-    def get_raw_records(self, memos_for_retrieval):
-        """Get the raw bytes for a records.
-        :param memos_for_retrieval: An iterable containing the (index, pos,
-            length) memo for retrieving the bytes. The Pack access method
-            looks up the pack to use for a given record in its index_to_pack
-            map.
-        :return: An iterator over the bytes of the records.
-        """
-        # first pass, group into same-index requests
-        request_lists = []
-        current_index = None
-        for (index, offset, length) in memos_for_retrieval:
-            if current_index == index:
-                current_list.append((offset, length))
-            else:
-                if current_index is not None:
-                    request_lists.append((current_index, current_list))
-                current_index = index
-                current_list = [(offset, length)]
-        # handle the last entry
-        if current_index is not None:
-            request_lists.append((current_index, current_list))
-        for index, offsets in request_lists:
-            try:
-                transport, path = self._indices[index]
-            except KeyError:
-                # A KeyError here indicates that someone has triggered an index
-                # reload, and this index has gone missing, we need to start
-                # over.
-                if self._reload_func is None:
-                    # If we don't have a _reload_func there is nothing that can
-                    # be done
-                    raise
-                raise errors.RetryWithNewPacks(index,
-                                               reload_occurred=True,
-                                               exc_info=sys.exc_info())
-            try:
-                reader = pack.make_readv_reader(transport, path, offsets)
-                for names, read_func in reader.iter_records():
-                    yield read_func(None)
-            except errors.NoSuchFile:
-                # A NoSuchFile error indicates that a pack file has gone
-                # missing on disk, we need to trigger a reload, and start over.
-                if self._reload_func is None:
-                    raise
-                raise errors.RetryWithNewPacks(transport.abspath(path),
-                                               reload_occurred=False,
-                                               exc_info=sys.exc_info())
-    def set_writer(self, writer, index, transport_packname):
-        """Set a writer to use for adding data."""
-        if index is not None:
-            self._indices[index] = transport_packname
-        self._container_writer = writer
-        self._write_index = index
-    def reload_or_raise(self, retry_exc):
-        """Try calling the reload function, or re-raise the original exception.
-        This should be called after _DirectPackAccess raises a
-        RetryWithNewPacks exception. This function will handle the common logic
-        of determining when the error is fatal versus being temporary.
-        It will also make sure that the original exception is raised, rather
-        than the RetryWithNewPacks exception.
-        If this function returns, then the calling function should retry
-        whatever operation was being performed. Otherwise an exception will
-        be raised.
-        :param retry_exc: A RetryWithNewPacks exception.
-        """
-        is_error = False
-        if self._reload_func is None:
-            is_error = True
-        elif not self._reload_func():
-            # The reload claimed that nothing changed
-            if not retry_exc.reload_occurred:
-                # If there wasn't an earlier reload, then we really were
-                # expecting to find changes. We didn't find them, so this is a
-                # hard error
-                is_error = True
-        if is_error:
-            exc_class, exc_value, exc_traceback = retry_exc.exc_info
-            raise exc_class, exc_value, exc_traceback
 def annotate_knit(knit, revision_id):
     """Annotate a knit with no cached annotations.

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