Rev 6131: (vila) Tweaks about older stable releases and SRUs announcements. (Vincent in file:///home/pqm/archives/thelove/bzr/%2Btrunk/ Patch Queue Manager pqm at
Tue Sep 6 12:45:50 UTC 2011

At file:///home/pqm/archives/thelove/bzr/%2Btrunk/

revno: 6131 [merge]
revision-id: pqm at
parent: pqm at
parent: v.ladeuil+lp at
committer: Patch Queue Manager <pqm at>
branch nick: +trunk
timestamp: Tue 2011-09-06 12:45:46 +0000
  (vila) Tweaks about older stable releases and SRUs announcements. (Vincent
  doc/developers/releasing.txt   releasing.txt-20080502015919-fnrcav8fwy8ccibu-1
=== modified file 'doc/developers/releasing.txt'
--- a/doc/developers/releasing.txt	2011-08-04 11:46:39 +0000
+++ b/doc/developers/releasing.txt	2011-09-06 09:11:54 +0000
@@ -357,6 +357,15 @@
    ``BZR_DISABLE_PLUGINS`` or ``BZR_PLUGIN_PATH=-site`` to disable one or
    all plugins.
+   Until <> is fixed, you may encounter issues if you
+   cut a release for old stable branches (<= 2.2) and use a more recent
+   OS/distro. If that's the case, check the bug status and use the following
+   workaround if no fix is available::
+     export TTPATH=<local branch of lp:testtools -r 0.9.2>
+     export SUPATH=<local branch of lp:subunit -r 0.0.6>
+     PYTHONPATH=$TTPATH:$SUPATH/python PATH=$SUPATH/filters:${PATH} BZR_PLUGIN_PATH=-site make check-dist-tarball PYTHON=python2.6 | subunit2pyunit
    Remember that PQM has just tested everything too, this step is
    particularly testing that the pyrex extensions, which are updated
    by your local pyrex version when you run make dist, are in good
@@ -435,9 +444,15 @@
    targeted at packagers and installer builders (see
    <>).  This is the cue
    for platform maintainers and plugin authors to update their code.  This
-   is done before the general public announcement of the release.
-#. Pause for a few days.
+   is done before the general public announcement of the release. 
+   The freeze announcement generally guess the date of the official public
+   announcement, for the most recent stable series (the one supported by the
+   installers and most of the distributions) it's generally a few days after
+   the freeze. For older series supported only via SRUs for Ubuntu, we don't
+   control the process as tightly so guessing the date is not appropriate.
+#. Pause for a few days. 
 Publishing the release
@@ -474,7 +489,8 @@
    Once the installers are available, the mail can be sent to the
    ``bazaar-announce`` list too.
-   For stable releases, it should also be cc'd to ``info-gnu at``,
+   For stable releases (excluding SRUs which are for older stable releases),
+   it should also be cc'd to ``info-gnu at``,
    ``python-announce-list at``, ``bug-directory at``.
    In all cases, it is good to set ``Reply-To: bazaar at``,
@@ -486,7 +502,9 @@
       The Bazaar team is happy to announce availability of a new
       release of the bzr adaptive version control system.
-      Bazaar is part of the GNU system <>.
+      Bazaar <> is part of the GNU project
+      <> to produce a free operating system.
       <<Summary paragraph from news>>
@@ -508,8 +526,9 @@
    This should be done for beta releases and stable releases. If you do not
    have a Freshmeat account yet, ask one of the existing admins.
-   The purpose here is to point users to the latest stable release while still
-   publishing announcements for beta releases.
+   The purpose here is to point users to the latest stable release
+   (i.e. SRUs are excluded) while still publishing announcements for beta
+   releases.
    There are several kinds of modifications that could be done there via the
    ``Administration`` box in the lower right area of the page:
@@ -542,7 +561,7 @@
        python register
    Remember to check the results afterward -- this should be done for
-   stable releases but not for beta releases.
+   stable releases but not for beta releases nor SRUs.
    To be able to register the release you must create an account on
    <> and have one of the existing owners of

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