Rev 6059: (vila) Generate a 'duplicate' conflict instead of a 'content' conflict when in file:///srv/

Patch Queue Manager pqm at
Thu Oct 27 15:29:58 UTC 2011

At file:///srv/

revno: 6059 [merge]
revision-id: pqm at
parent: pqm at
parent: v.ladeuil+lp at
committer: Patch Queue Manager <pqm at>
branch nick: 2.4
timestamp: Thu 2011-10-27 15:29:57 +0000
  (vila) Generate a 'duplicate' conflict instead of a 'content' conflict when
   the same path is involved in both branches. (Vincent Ladeuil)
  doc/en/release-notes/bzr-2.4.txt bzr2.4.txt-20110114053217-k7ym9jfz243fddjm-1
=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2011-08-01 06:24:48 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2011-10-24 15:15:09 +0000
@@ -1964,7 +1964,7 @@
         self.prefix = prefix
-class MalformedTransform(BzrError):
+class MalformedTransform(InternalBzrError):
     _fmt = "Tree transform is malformed %(conflicts)r"

=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2011-07-06 09:22:00 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2011-10-27 12:26:48 +0000
@@ -591,11 +591,11 @@
                     self.base_rev_id = self.revision_graph.find_unique_lca(
-                sorted_lca_keys = self.revision_graph.find_merge_order(                
+                sorted_lca_keys = self.revision_graph.find_merge_order(
                     revisions[0], lcas)
                 if self.base_rev_id == _mod_revision.NULL_REVISION:
                     self.base_rev_id = sorted_lca_keys[0]
             if self.base_rev_id == _mod_revision.NULL_REVISION:
                 raise errors.UnrelatedBranches()
             if self._is_criss_cross:
@@ -604,7 +604,8 @@
                 trace.mutter('Criss-cross lcas: %r' % lcas)
                 if self.base_rev_id in lcas:
                     trace.mutter('Unable to find unique lca. '
-                                 'Fallback %r as best option.' % self.base_rev_id)
+                                 'Fallback %r as best option.'
+                                 % self.base_rev_id)
                 interesting_revision_ids = set(lcas)
                 interesting_trees = dict((t.get_revision_id(), t)
@@ -689,7 +690,8 @@
                 sub_merge = Merger(sub_tree.branch, this_tree=sub_tree)
                 sub_merge.merge_type = self.merge_type
-                other_branch = self.other_branch.reference_parent(file_id, relpath)
+                other_branch = self.other_branch.reference_parent(file_id,
+                                                                  relpath)
                 sub_merge.set_other_revision(other_revision, other_branch)
                 base_revision = self.base_tree.get_reference_revision(file_id)
                 sub_merge.base_tree = \
@@ -1387,18 +1389,54 @@
             if hook_status != 'not_applicable':
                 # Don't try any more hooks, this one applies.
+        # If the merge ends up replacing the content of the file, we get rid of
+        # it at the end of this method (this variable is used to track the
+        # exceptions to this rule).
+        keep_this = False
         result = "modified"
         if hook_status == 'not_applicable':
-            # This is a contents conflict, because none of the available
-            # functions could merge it.
+            # No merge hook was able to resolve the situation. Two cases exist:
+            # a content conflict or a duplicate one.
             result = None
             name =
             parent_id =
-            if self.this_tree.has_id(file_id):
-            file_group = self._dump_conflicts(name, parent_id, file_id,
-                                              set_version=True)
-            self._raw_conflicts.append(('contents conflict', file_group))
+            duplicate = False
+            inhibit_content_conflict = False
+            if params.this_kind is None: # file_id is not in THIS
+                # Is the name used for a different file_id ?
+                dupe_path = self.other_tree.id2path(file_id)
+                this_id = self.this_tree.path2id(dupe_path)
+                if this_id is not None:
+                    # Two entries for the same path
+                    keep_this = True
+                    # versioning the merged file will trigger a duplicate
+                    # conflict
+          , trans_id)
+                    transform.create_from_tree(
+              , trans_id, self.other_tree, file_id,
+                        filter_tree_path=self._get_filter_tree_path(file_id))
+                    inhibit_content_conflict = True
+            elif params.other_kind is None: # file_id is not in OTHER
+                # Is the name used for a different file_id ?
+                dupe_path = self.this_tree.id2path(file_id)
+                other_id = self.other_tree.path2id(dupe_path)
+                if other_id is not None:
+                    # Two entries for the same path again, but here, the other
+                    # entry will also be merged.  We simply inhibit the
+                    # 'content' conflict creation because we know OTHER will
+                    # create (or has already created depending on ordering) an
+                    # entry at the same path. This will trigger a 'duplicate'
+                    # conflict later.
+                    keep_this = True
+                    inhibit_content_conflict = True
+            if not inhibit_content_conflict:
+                if params.this_kind is not None:
+                # This is a contents conflict, because none of the available
+                # functions could merge it.
+                file_group = self._dump_conflicts(name, parent_id, file_id,
+                                                  set_version=True)
+                self._raw_conflicts.append(('contents conflict', file_group))
         elif hook_status == 'success':
   , trans_id)
         elif hook_status == 'conflicted':
@@ -1420,36 +1458,23 @@
             raise AssertionError('unknown hook_status: %r' % (hook_status,))
         if not self.this_tree.has_id(file_id) and result == "modified":
   , trans_id)
-        # The merge has been performed, so the old contents should not be
-        # retained.
+        if not keep_this:
+            # The merge has been performed and produced a new content, so the
+            # old contents should not be retained.
         return result
     def _default_other_winner_merge(self, merge_hook_params):
         """Replace this contents with other."""
         file_id = merge_hook_params.file_id
         trans_id = merge_hook_params.trans_id
-        file_in_this = self.this_tree.has_id(file_id)
         if self.other_tree.has_id(file_id):
             # OTHER changed the file
-            wt = self.this_tree
-            if wt.supports_content_filtering():
-                # We get the path from the working tree if it exists.
-                # That fails though when OTHER is adding a file, so
-                # we fall back to the other tree to find the path if
-                # it doesn't exist locally.
-                try:
-                    filter_tree_path = wt.id2path(file_id)
-                except errors.NoSuchId:
-                    filter_tree_path = self.other_tree.id2path(file_id)
-            else:
-                # Skip the id2path lookup for older formats
-                filter_tree_path = None
-            transform.create_from_tree(, trans_id,
-                             self.other_tree, file_id,
-                             filter_tree_path=filter_tree_path)
+            transform.create_from_tree(
+      , trans_id, self.other_tree, file_id,
+                filter_tree_path=self._get_filter_tree_path(file_id))
             return 'done', None
-        elif file_in_this:
+        elif self.this_tree.has_id(file_id):
             # OTHER deleted the file
             return 'delete', None
@@ -1529,6 +1554,20 @@
+    def _get_filter_tree_path(self, file_id):
+        if self.this_tree.supports_content_filtering():
+            # We get the path from the working tree if it exists.
+            # That fails though when OTHER is adding a file, so
+            # we fall back to the other tree to find the path if
+            # it doesn't exist locally.
+            try:
+                return self.this_tree.id2path(file_id)
+            except errors.NoSuchId:
+                return self.other_tree.id2path(file_id)
+        # Skip the id2path lookup for older formats
+        return None
     def _dump_conflicts(self, name, parent_id, file_id, this_lines=None,
                         base_lines=None, other_lines=None, set_version=False,
@@ -1652,10 +1691,12 @@
                 for trans_id in conflict[1]:
                     file_id =
                     if file_id is not None:
+                        # Ok we found the relevant file-id
                 path = fp.get_path(trans_id)
                 for suffix in ('.BASE', '.THIS', '.OTHER'):
                     if path.endswith(suffix):
+                        # Here is the raw path
                         path = path[:-len(suffix)]
                 c = _mod_conflicts.Conflict.factory(conflict_type,

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/	2011-07-07 10:20:59 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/	2011-10-26 15:22:24 +0000
@@ -677,6 +677,14 @@
               dict(actions='create_file_b', check='file_content_b',
                    path='file', file_id='file-b-id')),),
+            # File created with different file-ids but deleted on one side
+            (dict(_base_actions='create_file_a'),
+             ('filea_replaced',
+              dict(actions='replace_file_a_by_b', check='file_content_b',
+                   path='file', file_id='file-b-id')),
+             ('filea_modified',
+              dict(actions='modify_file_a', check='file_new_content',
+                   path='file', file_id='file-a-id')),),
     def do_nothing(self):
@@ -694,6 +702,16 @@
     def check_file_content_b(self):
         self.assertFileEqual('file b content\n', 'branch/file')
+    def do_replace_file_a_by_b(self):
+        return [('unversion', 'file-a-id'),
+                ('add', ('file', 'file-b-id', 'file', 'file b content\n'))]
+    def do_modify_file_a(self):
+        return [('modify', ('file-a-id', 'new content\n'))]
+    def check_file_new_content(self):
+        self.assertFileEqual('new content\n', 'branch/file')
     def _get_resolve_path_arg(self, wt, action):
         return self._this['path']
@@ -1043,7 +1061,8 @@
         # This is nearly like TestResolveNonDirectoryParent but with branch and
         # trunk switched. As such it should certainly produce the same
         # conflict.
-        self.run_script("""
+        self.assertRaises(errors.MalformedTransform,
+                          self.run_script,"""
 $ bzr init trunk
 $ cd trunk

=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2011-07-06 20:52:00 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2011-10-26 15:21:29 +0000
@@ -3068,7 +3068,7 @@
                 existing_file, new_file = conflict[2], conflict[1]
                 existing_file, new_file = conflict[1], conflict[2]
-            new_name = tt.final_name(existing_file)+'.moved'
+            new_name = tt.final_name(existing_file) + '.moved'
             tt.adjust_path(new_name, final_parent, existing_file)
             new_conflicts.add((c_type, 'Moved existing file to',
                                existing_file, new_file))

=== modified file 'doc/en/release-notes/bzr-2.4.txt'
--- a/doc/en/release-notes/bzr-2.4.txt	2011-10-27 14:16:10 +0000
+++ b/doc/en/release-notes/bzr-2.4.txt	2011-10-27 15:04:35 +0000
@@ -32,6 +32,17 @@
 .. Fixes for situations where bzr would previously crash or give incorrect
    or undesirable results.
+* During merges, when two entries end up using the same path for two
+  different file-ids (the same file being 'bzr added' in two different
+  branches) , 'duplicate' conflicts are created instead of 'content'
+  ones. This was previously leading to a 'Malformed tramsform' exception.
+  (Vincent Ladeuil, #880701)
+* 'Malformed transform' exceptions are now recognized as internal errors
+  instead of user errors and report a traceback. This will reduce user
+  confusion as there is generally nothing users can do about them.
+  (Vincent Ladeuil, #880701)
@@ -102,6 +113,7 @@
 * Return early from create_delta_index_from_delta given tiny inputs. This
   avoids raising a spurious MemoryError on certain platforms such as AIX.
   (John Arbash Meinel, #856731)

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