Rev 6223: (gz) Fix indent of release notes for the cleanup testcases branch (Martin in file:///srv/

Patch Queue Manager pqm at
Tue Oct 18 11:48:29 UTC 2011

At file:///srv/

revno: 6223 [merge]
revision-id: pqm at
parent: pqm at
parent: martin.packman at
committer: Patch Queue Manager <pqm at>
branch nick: +trunk
timestamp: Tue 2011-10-18 11:48:28 +0000
  (gz) Fix indent of release notes for the cleanup testcases branch (Martin
  doc/en/release-notes/bzr-2.5.txt bzr2.5.txt-20110708125756-587p0hpw7oke4h05-1
=== modified file 'doc/en/release-notes/bzr-2.5.txt'
--- a/doc/en/release-notes/bzr-2.5.txt	2011-10-17 14:43:13 +0000
+++ b/doc/en/release-notes/bzr-2.5.txt	2011-10-18 11:48:28 +0000
@@ -93,10 +93,10 @@
    suite.  This can include new facilities for writing tests, fixes to 
    spurious test failures and changes to the way things should be tested.
-*  Ensure TestCase instances are deallocated immediately after running where
-   possible. This greatly reduces the peak resource needs of a full test suite
-   run. The new ``-Euncollected_cases`` selftest flag will add failures if any
-   case which persists pasts its expected lifetime. (Martin Packman, #613247)
+* Ensure TestCase instances are deallocated immediately after running where
+  possible. This greatly reduces the peak resource needs of a full test suite
+  run. The new ``-Euncollected_cases`` selftest flag will add failures if any
+  case which persists pasts its expected lifetime. (Martin Packman, #613247)
 bzr 2.5b2

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