Rev 6217: (jelmer) Remove an accidentally committed .THIS file. (Jelmer Vernooij) in file:///srv/
Patch Queue Manager
pqm at
Fri Oct 14 16:54:26 UTC 2011
At file:///srv/
revno: 6217 [merge]
revision-id: pqm at
parent: pqm at
parent: jelmer at
committer: Patch Queue Manager <pqm at>
branch nick: +trunk
timestamp: Fri 2011-10-14 16:54:26 +0000
(jelmer) Remove an accidentally committed .THIS file. (Jelmer Vernooij)
=== removed file 'bzrlib/tests/per_repository/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/per_repository/ 2011-10-05 12:45:41 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/per_repository/ 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Canonical Ltd
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-import sys
-from bzrlib import (
- errors,
- revision as _mod_revision,
- tests,
- transform,
- )
-from bzrlib.tests import per_repository
-class FileIdInvolvedBase(per_repository.TestCaseWithRepository):
- def touch(self, tree, filename):
- # use the trees transport to not depend on the tree's location or type.
- tree.bzrdir.root_transport.append_bytes(filename, "appended line\n")
- def compare_tree_fileids(self, branch, old_rev, new_rev):
- old_tree = self.branch.repository.revision_tree(old_rev)
- new_tree = self.branch.repository.revision_tree(new_rev)
- delta = new_tree.changes_from(old_tree)
- l2 = [id for path, id, kind in delta.added] + \
- [id for oldpath, newpath, id, kind, text_modified, \
- meta_modified in delta.renamed] + \
- [id for path, id, kind, text_modified, meta_modified in \
- delta.modified]
- return set(l2)
-class TestFileIdInvolved(FileIdInvolvedBase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(TestFileIdInvolved, self).setUp()
- # create three branches, and merge it
- #
- # ,-->J------>K (branch2)
- # / \
- # A --->B --->C---->D-->G (main)
- # \ / /
- # '--->E---+---->F (branch1)
- # A changes:
- # B changes: 'a-file-id-2006-01-01-abcd'
- # C changes: Nothing (perfect merge)
- # D changes: 'b-file-id-2006-01-01-defg'
- # E changes: 'file-d'
- # F changes: 'file-d'
- # G changes: 'b-file-id-2006-01-01-defg'
- # J changes: 'b-file-id-2006-01-01-defg'
- # K changes: 'c-funky<file-id>quiji%bo'
- main_wt = self.make_branch_and_tree('main')
- main_branch = main_wt.branch
- self.build_tree(["main/a","main/b","main/c"])
- main_wt.add(['a', 'b', 'c'], ['a-file-id-2006-01-01-abcd',
- 'b-file-id-2006-01-01-defg',
- 'c-funky<file-id>quiji%bo'])
- try:
- main_wt.commit("Commit one", rev_id="rev-A")
- except errors.IllegalPath:
- # TODO: jam 20060701 Consider raising a different exception
- # newer formats do support this, and nothin can done to
- # correct this test - its not a bug.
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- raise tests.TestSkipped('Old repository formats do not'
- ' support file ids with <> on win32')
- # This is not a known error condition
- raise
- #-------- end A -----------
- bt1 = self.make_branch_and_tree('branch1')
- bt1.pull(main_branch)
- b1 = bt1.branch
- self.build_tree(["branch1/d"])
- bt1.add(['d'], ['file-d'])
- bt1.commit("branch1, Commit one", rev_id="rev-E")
- #-------- end E -----------
- self.touch(main_wt, "a")
- main_wt.commit("Commit two", rev_id="rev-B")
- #-------- end B -----------
- bt2 = self.make_branch_and_tree('branch2')
- bt2.pull(main_branch)
- branch2_branch = bt2.branch
- set_executability(bt2, 'b', True)
- bt2.commit("branch2, Commit one", rev_id="rev-J")
- #-------- end J -----------
- main_wt.merge_from_branch(b1)
- main_wt.commit("merge branch1, rev-11", rev_id="rev-C")
- #-------- end C -----------
- bt1.rename_one("d","e")
- bt1.commit("branch1, commit two", rev_id="rev-F")
- #-------- end F -----------
- self.touch(bt2, "c")
- bt2.commit("branch2, commit two", rev_id="rev-K")
- #-------- end K -----------
- main_wt.merge_from_branch(b1)
- self.touch(main_wt, "b")
- # D gets some funky characters to make sure the unescaping works
- main_wt.commit("merge branch1, rev-12", rev_id="rev-<D>")
- # end D
- main_wt.merge_from_branch(branch2_branch)
- main_wt.commit("merge branch1, rev-22", rev_id="rev-G")
- # end G
- self.branch = main_branch
- def test_fileids_altered_between_two_revs(self):
- self.branch.lock_read()
- self.addCleanup(self.branch.unlock)
- self.branch.repository.fileids_altered_by_revision_ids(["rev-J","rev-K"])
- self.assertEqual(
- {'b-file-id-2006-01-01-defg':set(['rev-J']),
- 'c-funky<file-id>quiji%bo':set(['rev-K'])
- },
- self.branch.repository.fileids_altered_by_revision_ids(["rev-J","rev-K"]))
- self.assertEqual(
- {'b-file-id-2006-01-01-defg': set(['rev-<D>']),
- 'file-d': set(['rev-F']),
- },
- self.branch.repository.fileids_altered_by_revision_ids(['rev-<D>', 'rev-F']))
- self.assertEqual(
- {
- 'b-file-id-2006-01-01-defg': set(['rev-<D>', 'rev-G', 'rev-J']),
- 'c-funky<file-id>quiji%bo': set(['rev-K']),
- 'file-d': set(['rev-F']),
- },
- self.branch.repository.fileids_altered_by_revision_ids(
- ['rev-<D>', 'rev-G', 'rev-F', 'rev-K', 'rev-J']))
- self.assertEqual(
- {'a-file-id-2006-01-01-abcd': set(['rev-B']),
- 'b-file-id-2006-01-01-defg': set(['rev-<D>', 'rev-G', 'rev-J']),
- 'c-funky<file-id>quiji%bo': set(['rev-K']),
- 'file-d': set(['rev-F']),
- },
- self.branch.repository.fileids_altered_by_revision_ids(
- ['rev-G', 'rev-F', 'rev-C', 'rev-B', 'rev-<D>', 'rev-K', 'rev-J']))
- def fileids_altered_by_revision_ids(self, revision_ids):
- """This is a wrapper to strip TREE_ROOT if it occurs"""
- repo = self.branch.repository
- root_id = self.branch.basis_tree().get_root_id()
- result = repo.fileids_altered_by_revision_ids(revision_ids)
- if root_id in result:
- del result[root_id]
- return result
- def test_fileids_altered_by_revision_ids(self):
- self.branch.lock_read()
- self.addCleanup(self.branch.unlock)
- self.assertEqual(
- {'a-file-id-2006-01-01-abcd':set(['rev-A']),
- 'b-file-id-2006-01-01-defg': set(['rev-A']),
- 'c-funky<file-id>quiji%bo': set(['rev-A']),
- },
- self.fileids_altered_by_revision_ids(["rev-A"]))
- self.assertEqual(
- {'a-file-id-2006-01-01-abcd':set(['rev-B'])
- },
- self.branch.repository.fileids_altered_by_revision_ids(["rev-B"]))
- self.assertEqual(
- {'b-file-id-2006-01-01-defg':set(['rev-<D>'])
- },
- self.branch.repository.fileids_altered_by_revision_ids(["rev-<D>"]))
- def test_fileids_involved_full_compare(self):
- # this tests that the result of each fileid_involved calculation
- # along a revision history selects only the fileids selected by
- # comparing the trees - no less, and no more. This is correct
- # because in our sample data we do not revert any file ids along
- # the revision history.
- self.branch.lock_read()
- self.addCleanup(self.branch.unlock)
- pp = []
- graph = self.branch.repository.get_graph()
- history = list(graph.iter_lefthand_ancestry(self.branch.last_revision(),
- [_mod_revision.NULL_REVISION]))
- history.reverse()
- if len(history) < 2:
- return
- graph = self.branch.repository.get_graph()
- for start in range(0,len(history)-1):
- start_id = history[start]
- for end in range(start+1,len(history)):
- end_id = history[end]
- unique_revs = graph.find_unique_ancestors(end_id, [start_id])
- l1 = self.branch.repository.fileids_altered_by_revision_ids(
- unique_revs)
- l1 = set(l1.keys())
- l2 = self.compare_tree_fileids(self.branch, start_id, end_id)
- self.assertEquals(l1, l2)
-class TestFileIdInvolvedNonAscii(FileIdInvolvedBase):
- def test_utf8_file_ids_and_revision_ids(self):
- main_wt = self.make_branch_and_tree('main')
- main_branch = main_wt.branch
- self.build_tree(["main/a"])
- file_id = u'a-f\xedle-id'.encode('utf8')
- main_wt.add(['a'], [file_id])
- revision_id = u'r\xe9v-a'.encode('utf8')
- try:
- main_wt.commit('a', rev_id=revision_id)
- except errors.NonAsciiRevisionId:
- raise tests.TestSkipped('non-ascii revision ids not supported by %s'
- % self.repository_format)
- repo = main_wt.branch.repository
- repo.lock_read()
- self.addCleanup(repo.unlock)
- file_ids = repo.fileids_altered_by_revision_ids([revision_id])
- root_id = main_wt.basis_tree().get_root_id()
- if root_id in file_ids:
- self.assertEqual({file_id:set([revision_id]),
- root_id:set([revision_id])
- }, file_ids)
- else:
- self.assertEqual({file_id:set([revision_id])}, file_ids)
-class TestFileIdInvolvedSuperset(FileIdInvolvedBase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(TestFileIdInvolvedSuperset, self).setUp()
- self.branch = None
- main_wt = self.make_branch_and_tree('main')
- main_branch = main_wt.branch
- self.build_tree(["main/a","main/b","main/c"])
- main_wt.add(['a', 'b', 'c'], ['a-file-id-2006-01-01-abcd',
- 'b-file-id-2006-01-01-defg',
- 'c-funky<file-id>quiji\'"%bo'])
- try:
- main_wt.commit("Commit one", rev_id="rev-A")
- except errors.IllegalPath:
- # TODO: jam 20060701 Consider raising a different exception
- # newer formats do support this, and nothin can done to
- # correct this test - its not a bug.
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- raise tests.TestSkipped('Old repository formats do not'
- ' support file ids with <> on win32')
- # This is not a known error condition
- raise
- branch2_wt = self.make_branch_and_tree('branch2')
- branch2_wt.pull(main_branch)
- branch2_bzrdir = branch2_wt.bzrdir
- branch2_branch = branch2_bzrdir.open_branch()
- set_executability(branch2_wt, 'b', True)
- branch2_wt.commit("branch2, Commit one", rev_id="rev-J")
- main_wt.merge_from_branch(branch2_branch)
- set_executability(main_wt, 'b', False)
- main_wt.commit("merge branch1, rev-22", rev_id="rev-G")
- # end G
- self.branch = main_branch
- def test_fileid_involved_full_compare2(self):
- # this tests that fileids_altered_by_revision_ids returns
- # more information than compare_tree can, because it
- # sees each change rather than the aggregate delta.
- self.branch.lock_read()
- self.addCleanup(self.branch.unlock)
- graph = self.branch.repository.get_graph()
- history = list(graph.iter_lefthand_ancestry(self.branch.last_revision(),
- [_mod_revision.NULL_REVISION]))
- new_rev = history[0]
- old_rev = history[1]
- graph = self.branch.repository.get_graph()
- unique_revs = graph.find_unique_ancestors(new_rev, [old_rev])
- l1 = self.branch.repository.fileids_altered_by_revision_ids(
- unique_revs)
- l1 = set(l1.keys())
- l2 = self.compare_tree_fileids(self.branch, old_rev, new_rev)
- self.assertNotEqual(l2, l1)
- self.assertSubset(l2, l1)
-def set_executability(wt, path, executable=True):
- """Set the executable bit for the file at path in the working tree
- os.chmod() doesn't work on windows. But TreeTransform can mark or
- unmark a file as executable.
- """
- file_id = wt.path2id(path)
- tt = transform.TreeTransform(wt)
- try:
- tt.set_executability(executable, tt.trans_id_tree_file_id(file_id))
- tt.apply()
- finally:
- tt.finalize()
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