Rev 6303: (gz) Add _ModuleContext to track location in source and other refactorings in file:///srv/
Patch Queue Manager
pqm at
Fri Nov 25 16:53:39 UTC 2011
At file:///srv/
revno: 6303 [merge]
revision-id: pqm at
parent: pqm at
parent: martin.packman at
committer: Patch Queue Manager <pqm at>
branch nick: +trunk
timestamp: Fri 2011-11-25 16:53:38 +0000
(gz) Add _ModuleContext to track location in source and other refactorings
in export_pot (Martin Packman)
bzrlib/ bzrgettext-20110429104643-3wjy38532whc21yj-2
=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/ 2011-11-21 13:00:48 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/ 2011-11-22 18:48:16 +0000
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
commands as _mod_commands,
+ option,
@@ -68,12 +69,71 @@
return s
+def _parse_source(source_text):
+ """Get object to lineno mappings from given source_text"""
+ import ast
+ cls_to_lineno = {}
+ str_to_lineno = {}
+ for node in ast.walk(ast.parse(source_text)):
+ # TODO: worry about duplicates?
+ if isinstance(node, ast.ClassDef):
+ # TODO: worry about nesting?
+ cls_to_lineno[] = node.lineno
+ elif isinstance(node, ast.Str):
+ # Python AST gives location of string literal as the line the
+ # string terminates on. It's more useful to have the line the
+ # string begins on. Unfortunately, counting back newlines is
+ # only an approximation as the AST is ignorant of escaping.
+ str_to_lineno[node.s] = node.lineno - node.s.count('\n')
+ return cls_to_lineno, str_to_lineno
+class _ModuleContext(object):
+ """Record of the location within a source tree"""
+ def __init__(self, path, lineno=1, _source_info=None):
+ self.path = path
+ self.lineno = lineno
+ if _source_info is not None:
+ self._cls_to_lineno, self._str_to_lineno = _source_info
+ @classmethod
+ def from_module(cls, module):
+ """Get new context from module object and parse source for linenos"""
+ sourcepath = inspect.getsourcefile(module)
+ # TODO: fix this to do the right thing rather than rely on cwd
+ relpath = os.path.relpath(sourcepath)
+ return cls(relpath,
+ _source_info=_parse_source("".join(inspect.findsource(module)[0])))
+ def from_class(self, cls):
+ """Get new context with same details but lineno of class in source"""
+ try:
+ lineno = self._cls_to_lineno[cls.__name__]
+ except (AttributeError, KeyError):
+ mutter("Definition of %r not found in %r", cls, self.path)
+ return self
+ return self.__class__(self.path, lineno,
+ (self._cls_to_lineno, self._str_to_lineno))
+ def from_string(self, string):
+ """Get new context with same details but lineno of string in source"""
+ try:
+ lineno = self._str_to_lineno[string]
+ except (AttributeError, KeyError):
+ mutter("String %r not found in %r", string[:20], self.path)
+ return self
+ return self.__class__(self.path, lineno,
+ (self._cls_to_lineno, self._str_to_lineno))
class _PotExporter(object):
"""Write message details to output stream in .pot file format"""
def __init__(self, outf):
self.outf = outf
self._msgids = set()
+ self._module_contexts = {}
def poentry(self, path, lineno, s, comment=None):
if s in self._msgids:
@@ -92,6 +152,10 @@
path=path, lineno=lineno, comment=comment, msg=_normalize(s)))
+ def poentry_in_context(self, context, string, comment=None):
+ context = context.from_string(string)
+ self.poentry(context.path, context.lineno, string, comment)
def poentry_per_paragraph(self, path, lineno, msgid, include=None):
# TODO: How to split long help?
paragraphs = msgid.split('\n\n')
@@ -101,78 +165,50 @@
self.poentry(path, lineno, p)
lineno += p.count('\n') + 2
-def _offsets_of_literal(src):
- if src == _LAST_CACHED_SRC:
- return _LAST_CACHE.copy()
- import ast
- root = ast.parse(src)
- offsets = {}
- for node in ast.walk(root):
- if not isinstance(node, ast.Str):
- continue
- offsets[node.s] = node.lineno - node.s.count('\n')
- _LAST_CACHE = offsets.copy()
- return offsets
+ def get_context(self, obj):
+ module = inspect.getmodule(obj)
+ try:
+ context = self._module_contexts[module.__name__]
+ except KeyError:
+ context = _ModuleContext.from_module(module)
+ self._module_contexts[module.__name__] = context
+ if inspect.isclass(obj):
+ context = context.from_class(obj)
+ return context
+def _write_option(exporter, context, opt, note):
+ if getattr(opt, 'hidden', False):
+ return
+ if getattr(opt, 'title', None):
+ exporter.poentry_in_context(context, opt.title,
+ "title of {name!r} {what}".format(, what=note))
+ if getattr(opt, 'help', None):
+ exporter.poentry_in_context(context,,
+ "help of {name!r} {what}".format(, what=note))
def _standard_options(exporter):
- from bzrlib.option import Option
- src = inspect.findsource(Option)[0]
- src = ''.join(src)
- path = 'bzrlib/'
- offsets = _offsets_of_literal(src)
- for name in sorted(Option.OPTIONS.keys()):
- opt = Option.OPTIONS[name]
- if getattr(opt, 'hidden', False):
- continue
- if getattr(opt, 'title', None):
- lineno = offsets.get(opt.title, 9999)
- if lineno == 9999:
- note(gettext("%r is not found in bzrlib/") % opt.title)
- exporter.poentry(path, lineno, opt.title,
- 'title of %r option' % name)
- if getattr(opt, 'help', None):
- lineno = offsets.get(, 9999)
- if lineno == 9999:
- note(gettext("%r is not found in bzrlib/") %
- exporter.poentry(path, lineno,,
- 'help of %r option' % name)
-def _command_options(exporter, path, cmd):
- src, default_lineno = inspect.findsource(cmd.__class__)
- offsets = _offsets_of_literal(''.join(src))
+ OPTIONS = option.Option.OPTIONS
+ context = exporter.get_context(option)
+ for name in sorted(OPTIONS.keys()):
+ opt = OPTIONS[name]
+ _write_option(exporter, context.from_string(name), opt, "option")
+def _command_options(exporter, context, cmd):
+ note = "option of {0!r} command".format(
for opt in cmd.takes_options:
- if isinstance(opt, str):
- continue
- if getattr(opt, 'hidden', False):
- continue
- name =
- if getattr(opt, 'title', None):
- lineno = offsets.get(opt.title, default_lineno)
- exporter.poentry(path, lineno, opt.title,
- 'title of %r option of %r command' % (name,
- if getattr(opt, 'help', None):
- lineno = offsets.get(, default_lineno)
- exporter.poentry(path, lineno,,
- 'help of %r option of %r command' % (name,
+ # String values in Command option lists are for global options
+ if not isinstance(opt, str):
+ _write_option(exporter, context, opt, note)
def _write_command_help(exporter, cmd):
- path = inspect.getfile(cmd.__class__)
- if path.endswith('.pyc'):
- path = path[:-1]
- path = os.path.relpath(path)
- src, lineno = inspect.findsource(cmd.__class__)
- offsets = _offsets_of_literal(''.join(src))
- lineno = offsets[cmd.__doc__]
- doc = inspect.getdoc(cmd)
+ context = exporter.get_context(cmd.__class__)
+ rawdoc = cmd.__doc__
+ dcontext = context.from_string(rawdoc)
+ doc = inspect.cleandoc(rawdoc)
def exclude_usage(p):
# ':Usage:' has special meaning in help topics.
@@ -180,8 +216,9 @@
if p.splitlines()[0] != ':Usage:':
return True
- exporter.poentry_per_paragraph(path, lineno, doc, exclude_usage)
- _command_options(exporter, path, cmd)
+ exporter.poentry_per_paragraph(dcontext.path, dcontext.lineno, doc,
+ exclude_usage)
+ _command_options(exporter, context, cmd)
def _command_helps(exporter, plugin_name=None):
@@ -226,11 +263,7 @@
def _error_messages(exporter):
"""Extract fmt string from bzrlib.errors."""
- path = errors.__file__
- if path.endswith('.pyc'):
- path = path[:-1]
- offsets = _offsets_of_literal(open(path).read())
+ context = exporter.get_context(errors)
base_klass = errors.BzrError
for name in dir(errors):
klass = getattr(errors, name)
@@ -245,8 +278,8 @@
fmt = getattr(klass, "_fmt", None)
if fmt:
note(gettext("Exporting message from error: %s"), name)
- exporter.poentry('bzrlib/',
- offsets.get(fmt, 9999), fmt)
+ exporter.poentry_in_context(context, fmt)
def _help_topics(exporter):
topic_registry = help_topics.topic_registry
@@ -265,6 +298,7 @@
1, summary)
def export_pot(outf, plugin=None):
exporter = _PotExporter(outf)
if plugin is None:
=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/ 2011-11-21 13:00:48 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/ 2011-11-22 18:48:16 +0000
@@ -67,6 +67,160 @@
self.assertEqual(export_pot._normalize(s), e)
+class TestParseSource(tests.TestCase):
+ """Check mappings to line numbers generated from python source"""
+ def test_classes(self):
+ src = '''
+class Ancient:
+ """Old style class"""
+class Modern(object):
+ """New style class"""
+ cls_lines, _ = export_pot._parse_source(src)
+ self.assertEqual(cls_lines,
+ {"Ancient": 2, "Modern": 5})
+ def test_classes_nested(self):
+ src = '''
+class Matroska(object):
+ class Smaller(object):
+ class Smallest(object):
+ pass
+ cls_lines, _ = export_pot._parse_source(src)
+ self.assertEqual(cls_lines,
+ {"Matroska": 2, "Smaller": 3, "Smallest":4})
+ def test_strings_docstrings(self):
+ src = '''\
+def function():
+ """Function"""
+class Class(object):
+ """Class"""
+ def method(self):
+ """Method"""
+ _, str_lines = export_pot._parse_source(src)
+ self.assertEqual(str_lines,
+ {"Module": 1, "Function": 4, "Class": 7, "Method": 10})
+ def test_strings_literals(self):
+ src = '''\
+s = "One"
+t = (2, "Two")
+f = dict(key="Three")
+ _, str_lines = export_pot._parse_source(src)
+ self.assertEqual(str_lines,
+ {"One": 1, "Two": 2, "Three": 3})
+ def test_strings_multiline(self):
+ src = '''\
+t = (
+ "A"
+ "B"
+ "C"
+ )
+ _, str_lines = export_pot._parse_source(src)
+ self.assertEqual(str_lines,
+ {"Start\n\nEnd\n": 1, "ABC": 6})
+ def test_strings_multiline_escapes(self):
+ src = '''\
+s = "Escaped\\n"
+r = r"Raw\\n"
+t = (
+ "A\\n\\n"
+ "B\\n\\n"
+ "C\\n\\n"
+ )
+ _, str_lines = export_pot._parse_source(src)
+ self.expectFailure("Escaped newlines confuses the multiline handling",
+ self.assertNotEqual, str_lines,
+ {"Escaped\n": 0, "Raw\\n": 2, "A\n\nB\n\nC\n\n": -2})
+ self.assertEqual(str_lines,
+ {"Escaped\n": 1, "Raw\\n": 2, "A\n\nB\n\nC\n\n": 4})
+class TestModuleContext(tests.TestCase):
+ """Checks for source context tracking objects"""
+ def check_context(self, context, path, lineno):
+ self.assertEquals((context.path, context.lineno), (path, lineno))
+ def test___init__(self):
+ context = export_pot._ModuleContext("")
+ self.check_context(context, "", 1)
+ context = export_pot._ModuleContext("", 5)
+ self.check_context(context, "", 5)
+ def test_from_class(self):
+ """New context returned with lineno updated from class"""
+ path = ""
+ class A(object): pass
+ class B(object): pass
+ cls_lines = {"A": 5, "B": 7}
+ context = export_pot._ModuleContext(path, _source_info=(cls_lines, {}))
+ contextA = context.from_class(A)
+ self.check_context(contextA, path, 5)
+ contextB1 = context.from_class(B)
+ self.check_context(contextB1, path, 7)
+ contextB2 = contextA.from_class(B)
+ self.check_context(contextB2, path, 7)
+ self.check_context(context, path, 1)
+ self.assertEquals("", self.get_log())
+ def test_from_class_missing(self):
+ """When class has no lineno the old context details are returned"""
+ path = ""
+ class A(object): pass
+ class M(object): pass
+ context = export_pot._ModuleContext(path, 3, ({"A": 15}, {}))
+ contextA = context.from_class(A)
+ contextM1 = context.from_class(M)
+ self.check_context(contextM1, path, 3)
+ contextM2 = contextA.from_class(M)
+ self.check_context(contextM2, path, 15)
+ self.assertContainsRe(self.get_log(), "Definition of <.*M'> not found")
+ def test_from_string(self):
+ """New context returned with lineno updated from string"""
+ path = ""
+ str_lines = {"one": 14, "two": 42}
+ context = export_pot._ModuleContext(path, _source_info=({}, str_lines))
+ context1 = context.from_string("one")
+ self.check_context(context1, path, 14)
+ context2A = context.from_string("two")
+ self.check_context(context2A, path, 42)
+ context2B = context1.from_string("two")
+ self.check_context(context2B, path, 42)
+ self.check_context(context, path, 1)
+ self.assertEquals("", self.get_log())
+ def test_from_string_missing(self):
+ """When string has no lineno the old context details are returned"""
+ path = ""
+ context = export_pot._ModuleContext(path, 4, ({}, {"line\n": 21}))
+ context1 = context.from_string("line\n")
+ context2A = context.from_string("not there")
+ self.check_context(context2A, path, 4)
+ context2B = context1.from_string("not there")
+ self.check_context(context2B, path, 21)
+ self.assertContainsRe(self.get_log(), "String 'not there' not found")
class PoEntryTestCase(tests.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
@@ -79,6 +233,7 @@
class TestPoEntry(PoEntryTestCase):
def test_simple(self):
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