Rev 5943: (vila) Support config remote branch config file. (Vincent Ladeuil) in file:///home/pqm/archives/thelove/bzr/%2Btrunk/ Patch Queue Manager pqm at
Tue May 31 19:43:30 UTC 2011

At file:///home/pqm/archives/thelove/bzr/%2Btrunk/

revno: 5943 [merge]
revision-id: pqm at
parent: pqm at
parent: v.ladeuil+lp at
committer: Patch Queue Manager <pqm at>
branch nick: +trunk
timestamp: Tue 2011-05-31 19:43:27 +0000
  (vila) Support config remote branch config file. (Vincent Ladeuil)
=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2011-05-31 19:00:47 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2011-05-31 19:43:27 +0000
@@ -2167,6 +2167,15 @@
         raise NotImplementedError(self._load_from_string)
+    def unload(self):
+        """Unloads the Store.
+        This should make is_loaded() return False. This is used when the caller
+        knows that the persistent storage has changed or may have change since
+        the last load.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError(self.unload)
     def save(self):
         """Saves the Store to persistent storage."""
         raise NotImplementedError(
@@ -2220,6 +2229,9 @@
     def is_loaded(self):
         return self._config_obj != None
+    def unload(self):
+        self._config_obj = None
     def load(self):
         """Load the store from the associated file."""
         if self.is_loaded():
@@ -2370,14 +2382,25 @@
     def __init__(self, branch):
         super(BranchStore, self).__init__(branch.control_transport,
-        # FIXME: This creates a cycle -- vila 2011-05-27
-        self.branch = branch
+        # We don't want to create a cycle here when the BranchStore becomes
+        # part of an object (roughly a Stack, directly or indirectly) that is
+        # an attribute of the branch object itself. Since the BranchStore
+        # cannot exist without a branch, it's safe to make it a weakref.
+        self.branch_ref = weakref.ref(branch)
+    def _get_branch(self):
+        b = self.branch_ref()
+        if b is None:
+            # Programmer error, a branch store can't exist if the branch it
+            # refers to is dead.
+            raise AssertionError('Dead branch ref in %r' % (self,))
+        return b
     def lock_write(self, token=None):
-        return self.branch.lock_write(token)
+        return self._get_branch().lock_write(token)
     def unlock(self):
-        return self.branch.unlock()
+        return self._get_branch().unlock()
     def save(self):
@@ -2578,8 +2601,8 @@
     def set(self, name, value):
-        # Force a reload (assuming we use a LockableIniFileStore)
- = None
+        # Force a reload
         super(_CompatibleStack, self).set(name, value)
         # Force a write to persistent storage
@@ -2602,7 +2625,6 @@
         super(LocationStack, self).__init__(
             [matcher.get_sections, gstore.get_sections], lstore)
-# FIXME: See BranchStore, same remarks -- vila 20110512
 class BranchStack(_CompatibleStack):
     def __init__(self, branch):
@@ -2613,6 +2635,7 @@
         super(BranchStack, self).__init__(
             [matcher.get_sections, bstore.get_sections, gstore.get_sections],
+        self.branch = branch
 class cmd_config(commands.Command):
@@ -2794,7 +2817,7 @@
 # object.
 test_store_builder_registry = registry.Registry()
-# Thre registered object should be a callable receiving a test instance
+# The registered object should be a callable receiving a test instance
 # parameter (inheriting from tests.TestCaseWithTransport) and returning a Stack
 # object.
 test_stack_builder_registry = registry.Registry()

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/	2011-05-31 19:00:47 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/	2011-05-31 19:43:27 +0000
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
+from bzrlib.transport import remote
 from bzrlib.tests import (
@@ -72,33 +73,99 @@
     'location', lambda test: config.LocationStore())
+def build_backing_branch(test, relpath,
+                         transport_class=None, server_class=None):
+    """Test helper to create a backing branch only once.
+    Some tests needs multiple stores/stacks to check concurrent update
+    behaviours. As such, they need to build different branch *objects* even if
+    they share the branch on disk.
+    :param relpath: The relative path to the branch. (Note that the helper
+        should always specify the same relpath).
+    :param transport_class: The Transport class the test needs to use.
+    :param server_class: The server associated with the ``transport_class``
+        above.
+    Either both or neither of ``transport_class`` and ``server_class`` should
+    be specified.
+    """
+    if transport_class is not None and server_class is not None:
+        test.transport_class = transport_class
+        test.transport_server = server_class
+    elif not (transport_class is None and server_class is None):
+        raise AssertionError('Specify both ``transport_class`` and '
+                             '``server_class`` or neither of them')
+    if getattr(test, 'backing_branch', None) is None:
+        # First call, let's build the branch on disk
+        test.backing_branch = test.make_branch(relpath)
+def keep_branch_alive(test, b):
+    """Keep a branch alive for the duration of a test.
+    :param tests: the test that should hold the branch alive.
+    :param b: the branch that should be kept alive.
+    Several tests need to keep a reference to a branch object as they are
+    testing a Store which uses a weak reference. This is achieved by embedding
+    a reference to the branch object in a lambda passed to a cleanup. When the
+    test finish the cleanup method is deleted and so does the reference to the
+    branch.
+    """
+    test.addCleanup(lambda : b)
 def build_branch_store(test):
-    if getattr(test, 'branch', None) is None:
-        test.branch = test.make_branch('branch')
-    # Since we can be called to create different stores, we need to build them
-    # from different branch *objects*, even if they point to the same branch on
-    # disk, otherwise tests about conccurent updates won't be able to trigger
-    # LockContention
-    return config.BranchStore('branch'))
+    build_backing_branch(test, 'branch')
+    b ='branch')
+    keep_branch_alive(test, b)
+    return config.BranchStore(b)
 config.test_store_builder_registry.register('branch', build_branch_store)
+def build_remote_branch_store(test):
+    # There is only one permutation (but we won't be able to handle more with
+    # this design anyway)
+    (transport_class, server_class) = remote.get_test_permutations()[0]
+    build_backing_branch(test, 'branch', transport_class, server_class)
+    b ='branch'))
+    keep_branch_alive(test, b)
+    return config.BranchStore(b)
+                                            build_remote_branch_store)
     'bazaar', lambda test: config.GlobalStack())
     'location', lambda test: config.LocationStack('.'))
 def build_branch_stack(test):
-    if getattr(test, 'branch', None) is None:
-        test.branch = test.make_branch('branch')
-    # Since we can be called to create different stacks, we need to build them
-    # from different branch *objects*, even if they point to the same branch on
-    # disk, otherwise tests about conccurent updates won't be able to trigger
-    # LockContention
-    return config.BranchStack('branch'))
+    build_backing_branch(test, 'branch')
+    b ='branch')
+    keep_branch_alive(test, b)
+    return config.BranchStack(b)
 config.test_stack_builder_registry.register('branch', build_branch_stack)
+def build_remote_branch_stack(test):
+    # There is only one permutation (but we won't be able to handle more with
+    # this design anyway)
+    (transport_class, server_class) = remote.get_test_permutations()[0]
+    build_backing_branch(test, 'branch', transport_class, server_class)
+    b ='branch'))
+    keep_branch_alive(test, b)
+    return config.BranchStack(b)
+                                            build_remote_branch_stack)
 sample_long_alias="log -r-15..-1 --line"
 sample_config_text = u"""
@@ -642,11 +709,11 @@
     def test_default_is_True(self):
         self.config = self.get_config(True)
     def test_default_is_False(self):
         self.config = self.get_config(False)
 class TestIniConfigOptionExpansion(tests.TestCase):
     """Test option expansion from the IniConfig level.
@@ -1940,7 +2007,6 @@
     def setUp(self):
         super(TestReadonlyStore, self).setUp()
-        self.branch = self.make_branch('branch')
     def test_building_delays_load(self):
         store = self.get_store(self)
@@ -1988,7 +2054,9 @@
         return self.transport.has(store_basename)
     def test_save_empty_creates_no_file(self):
-        if self.store_id == 'branch':
+        # FIXME: There should be a better way than relying on the test
+        # parametrization to identify branch.conf -- vila 2011-0526
+        if self.store_id in ('branch', 'remote_branch'):
             raise tests.TestNotApplicable(
                 'branch.conf is *always* created when a branch is initialized')
         store = self.get_store(self)
@@ -2007,7 +2075,9 @@
         self.assertLength(0, sections)
     def test_save_with_content_succeeds(self):
-        if self.store_id == 'branch':
+        # FIXME: There should be a better way than relying on the test
+        # parametrization to identify branch.conf -- vila 2011-0526
+        if self.store_id in ('branch', 'remote_branch'):
             raise tests.TestNotApplicable(
                 'branch.conf is *always* created when a branch is initialized')
         store = self.get_store(self)
@@ -2114,7 +2184,28 @@
+class TestBranchStore(TestStore):
+    def test_dead_branch(self):
+        build_backing_branch(self, 'branch')
+        b ='branch')
+        store = config.BranchStore(b)
+        del b
+        # The only reliable way to trigger the error is to explicitly call the
+        # garbage collector.
+        import gc
+        gc.collect()
+        store.get_mutable_section(None).set('foo', 'bar')
+        self.assertRaises(AssertionError,
 class TestConcurrentStoreUpdates(TestStore):
+    """Test that Stores properly handle conccurent updates.
+    New Store implementation may fail some of these tests but until such
+    implementations exist it's hard to properly filter them from the scenarios
+    applied here. If you encounter such a case, contact the bzr devs.
+    """
     scenarios = [(key, {'get_stack': builder}) for key, builder
                  in config.test_stack_builder_registry.iteritems()]

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