Rev 5958: (spiv) Add a section about stacking constraints to doc/developers/fetch.txt. in file:///home/pqm/archives/thelove/bzr/%2Btrunk/ Patch Queue Manager
pqm at
Tue Jun 7 09:32:32 UTC 2011
At file:///home/pqm/archives/thelove/bzr/%2Btrunk/
revno: 5958 [merge]
revision-id: pqm at
parent: pqm at
parent: andrew.bennetts at
committer: Patch Queue Manager <pqm at>
branch nick: +trunk
timestamp: Tue 2011-06-07 09:32:30 +0000
(spiv) Add a section about stacking constraints to doc/developers/fetch.txt.
(Andrew Bennetts)
doc/developers/fetch.txt fetch.txt-20110106062538-wc8zxl1vzf1btj3h-1
=== modified file 'doc/developers/fetch.txt'
--- a/doc/developers/fetch.txt 2011-01-12 22:10:10 +0000
+++ b/doc/developers/fetch.txt 2011-06-07 07:53:47 +0000
@@ -82,5 +82,90 @@
+Stacking constraints
+**In short the rule is:** "repositories must hold revisions' parent
+inventories and their new texts (or else all texts for those revisions)."
+This is sometimes called "the stacking invariant."
+Why that rule?
+A stacked repository needs to be capable of generating a complete stream
+for the revisions it does hold without access to its fallback
+repositories [#]_. "Complete" here means that the stream for a revision (or
+set of revisions) can be inserted into a repository that already contains
+the parent(s) of that revision, and that repository will have a fully
+usable copy of that revision: a working tree can be built for that
+revision, etc.
+Assuming for a moment the stream has the necessary inventory, signature
+and CHK records to have a usable revision, what texts are required to have
+a usable revision? The simple way to satisfy the requirement is to have
+*every* text for every revision at the stacking boundary. Thus the
+revisions at the stacking boundary and all their descendants have their
+texts present and so can be fully reconstructed. But this is expensive:
+it implies each stacked repository much contain *O(tree)* data even for a
+single revision of a 1-line change, and also implies transferring
+*O(tree)* data to fetch that revision.
+Because the goal is a usable revision *when added to a repository with the
+parent revision(s)* most of those texts will be redundant. The minimal
+set that is needed is just those texts that are new in the revisions in
+our repository. However, we need enough inventory data to be able to
+determine that set of texts. So to make this possible every revision must
+have its parent inventories present so that the inventory delta between
+revisions can be calculated, and of course the CHK pages associated with
+that delta. In fact the entire inventory does not need to be present,
+just enough of it to find the delta (assuming a repository format, like
+2a, that allows only part of an inventory to be stored). Thus the stacked
+repository can contain only *O(changes)* data [#]_ and still deliver
+complete streams of that data.
+What about revisions at the stacking boundary with more than one parent?
+All of their parent revisions must be present, as a client may ask for a
+stream up to any parent, not just the left-hand parent. If any parent is
+absent then all texts must be present instead. Otherwise there will be
+the strange situation where some fetches of a revision will succeed and
+others fail depending the precise details of the fetch.
+Implications for fetching
+Fetches must retrieve the records necessary to satisfy that rule. The
+stream source will attempt to send the necessary records, and the stream
+sink will check for any missing records and make a second fetch for just
+those missing records before committing the write group.
+Our repository implementations check this constraint is satisfied before
+committing a write group, to prevent a bad stream from creating a corrupt
+repository. So a fetch from a bad source (e.g. a damaged repository, or a
+buggy foreign-format import) may trigger ``BzrCheckError`` during
+To fetch from a stacked repository via a smart server, the smart client:
+* first fetches a stream of as many of the requested revisions as possible
+ from the initial repository,
+* then while there are still missing revisions and untried fallback
+ repositories fetches the outstanding revisions from the next fallback
+ until either all revisions have been found (success) or the list of
+ fallbacks has been exhausted (failure).
+.. [#] This is not just a theoretical concern. The smart server always
+ opens repositories without opening fallbacks, as it cannot assume it
+ can access the fallbacks that the client can.
+.. [#] Actually *O(changes)* isn't quite right in practice. In the
+ current implementation the fulltext of a changed file must be
+ transferred, not just a delta, so a 1-line change to a 10MB file will
+ still transfer 10MB of text data. This is because current formats
+ require records' compression parents to be present in the same
+ repository.
vim: ft=rst tw=74 ai
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